Where can find QtCreator x64 deployment process?
Because our project is too large...
32bit qt creator cannot handle our project, it crashes usually.So I try to build Qt Creator 64bit version.
But I do not know how to deploy full feature QtCreator.I follow this instruction to build qt creator.
https://wiki.qt.io/Building_Qt_Creator_from_GitThen use windeployqt.exe to copy binary into qt creator folder.
But it lost so many binary files like Qt5Qml.dll, all plugins etc...
When I copy those file manually. Then I can open Qt Creator, but plugin loader occurs error.
It shows Help, PerfProfiler, QmlDesigner, QmlProfiler cannot be loaded.So... I gave up....
I want to reference qt official deploy instructions/flow/process, but I can't find that.
Anyone know where can I find official deploy process (like CI's build step)?Or.... How to deploy full feature qt creator by myself?