Image. Server replied: Not Acceptable
QML and Qt Quick
I am allowing my users to add images as attachments, so the user provides a link, and I set it to the 'Image' item. But for some servers I get this error:
qrc:/AttachmentList.qml:40:25: QML Image: Error transferring - server replied: Not Acceptable
Investigating further, I found that this is some problem with User-Agent string. But how do I change this value if I don't have access to QML internals?
My QML source goes like this:
``` Image { id: attach_img source: (model.type===Attachments.A_TYPE_IMAGE) || (model.type===Attachments.A_TYPE_YOUTUBE) ? model.display_url : "" width: app.width * 0.9 fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit }
Hi @Nulik , i think the user-agent string needs a valid value,i guess QQmlNetworkAccessManagerFactory Class can you help you in that,you can have look into the documentation [].