Freelancer Part Time Web Graphic Designers
Part Time Web Designers with 0 - 5 years of experience and have good knowledge in Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Flash, HTML4, HTML5, CSS, CSS3, Bootstrap, Java Script and JQuery. The candidate must be passionate about creating fresh designs/ layouts and make changes in existing pages.
Candidate will be responsible in creating new pages and modify existing web pages of Regular changes / modification will be given on a regular basis and jobs need to be done on timely basis.
Responsibilities include
- creating new pages
- modifying existing pages
- banner creation
- graphic creation
Interested candidate required to send us your sample work with your resume at
Om Vedic Holistic Services
Raj Kumar Verma
Mo +91 9958074451 -
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Can you explain what this job offer has related to Qt ?