QML Canvas Reload DrawImage
QML and Qt Quick
I develop an app with a feature whiteboard, the canvas will catch mouse motion dan painting to canvas.
Then the user can save the last state, done by saving the last state to image/png.The problem is when I load the last state, the canvas cannot load a fresh image event after I replace the screen (i use stack view).
Home Screen > Open Menu > Open Canvas > Load Last Draw (success) > User Draw New Line > Save (Image/png on disk already updated, success) > Back to Menu > Open Again Canvas > Load Last Draw (This the problem, canvas still draw previous one, not Image/png with User Draw New Line )
Canvas { id: drawCanvas anchors.fill: parent property bool firstLoad: true property var arrpoints : [] onArrpointsChanged: console.log(arrpoints.length) MouseArea { id: mousearea anchors.fill: parent onPressed: {prevX = mouseX ; prevY = mouseY} onPositionChanged: drawCanvas.requestPaint(); } Component.onCompleted: { loadImage(imgPath) } onImageLoaded: requestPaint() onPaint: { var ctx = drawCanvas.getContext("2d"); if(firstLoad){ console.log("firtsLoad") firstLoad = false ctx.drawImage(imgPath, 0, 0); ctx.save() } if(!firstLoad){ console.log("painting: " + mousearea.mouseX + " " + mousearea.mouseY) drawCanvas.arrpoints.push({"x" : mousearea.mouseX, "y" : mousearea.mouseY}) ctx.beginPath(); ctx.strokeStyle = drawColor ctx.lineWidth = lineWidth ctx.moveTo(prevX, prevY); ctx.lineTo(mousearea.mouseX, mousearea.mouseY); ctx.stroke(); ctx.closePath(); prevX = mousearea.mouseX; prevY = mousearea.mouseY; // } } } function clear(){ var ctx = drawCanvas.getContext('2d') ctx.reset() drawCanvas.requestPaint() } }