Qt proxy usage
proxy is a generic term. whos proxy and what type of proxy?
round-robin dns on the server end?
proxy internet gateway your client goes through?outgoing gateways proxys exist to protect the net and limit bandwidth. Are you trying to steal more bandwidth?
@Kent-Dorfman said in Qt proxy usage:
round-robin dns
Say I have two objects of that class, Object A and B trying to connect to website W, and two proxy servers 1 and 2. I want A to connect to W through 1 and B to connect to W through 2.
@imaqt-0 that's a quite unusual requirement, in general using different proxies depends on reaching different websites (i.e. website W is accessible via proxy 1 and website X is accessible via proxy 2)
Anyway, you can use a QNetWorkAccessManager object as member of your class, so on instantiation you then set the desired/required proxy to each object with QNetWorkAccessManager::setProxy()