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    Command output:

    PACKAGECONFIG="gstreamer alsa gstreamer" PACKAGECONFIG_CONFARGS=" -alsa -gstreamer 1.0 -no-feature-openal -no-pulseaudio" PACKAGECONFIG_OPENSSL="openssl"


    I also discovered that there is no "qmlgl" (qmlgloverlay, qmlglsink, qmlglsrc) in the system which should be provided by gstreamer1.0-plugins-good. I forced to build packet configurated for qt5 by add line in my local.conf:

    PACKAGECONFIG:append:pn-gstreamer1.0-plugins-good = " qt5"

    After that I have available qmlglsink and other. I still can't play video directly from file because effect is the same no image. I tried to build pipeline:

    source: "gst-pipeline: filesrc location=/home/root/dillama_1080p.mp4 ! decodebin name=dec ! videoconvert ! qmlglsink widget"

    I can't set required pointer to qml widget for qmlglsink. How do it?

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    3 Posts

    must have had one of those D'Oh! moments. LOL

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    9 Posts

    Sorry to reopen the ticket. But I think we can add an answer for whoever ends up here in the future.

    I have the same issue, also had libxkbcommon into the image under /usr/lib/ and kept having the same error.

    The problem was basically on Yocto build I missed configuring the qtbase PACKAGECONFIG variable to enable the xkbcommon option.

    To do that, you add a new layer, create a qtbase_%.bbappend file and add:

    PACKAGECONFIG:append:<machinename> = " xkbcommon"

    NOTE: If you don't add the <machinename> you will have failures because other packages won't have the -native extension.
    NOTE2: make sure to do that in a clean build (or clean all qt packages), other ptest will fail complaining that a configuration was changed and it doesn't know why.

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    19 Posts

    @SGaist I don't think so but in the meantime I don't see any package which could do it. My board support OpenGl ES2 so I tried some stuff like adding "PACKAGE CONFIG += "gles2" " to my qtbase bb file but nothing has changed ...

    Also tried to add PACKAGECONFIG_append_pn-qtbase = "gles2" in my local.conf but no change.

    After some googling, I found that the error was printed by this code : (line 371)

    Edit: Closing this issue, it was a problem of platform (by default it was using x11 which is not the one used by my embedded device) . Thanks a lot for your help again !