[SOLVED] QtCreator 2.2.1 crashes when debugging
It is GDB that is crashing from what I understand from your description, not Qt Creator. If that is correct: Try using the GDB from the old version of Creator if that one worked.
Yes, it is the GDB that is crashing. QtCreator is using python based debugger (from what I see from settings). I will replace QtCreator 2.1 pythongdb with QtCreator 2.2, and update the result. Feel free to push in more suggestions :)
... or actually "report a bug":http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/ with the debug log attached ...
That way the debugger people would actually see the issue.
Here is the "debug log":http://pastebin.com/gbqCBXfa.
python is very well installed. -
Are you using the GDB shipped with Qt Creator? Yours is of version 6.8 which does not yet support the Python scripting. You will need to fall back to the compiled debugging helpers for that compiler.
PS: Please make sure to use the GDB shipped with Qt Creator: We tend to apply some patches that help a lot with what we need of the debugger.
I am using gdb shipped with QtCreator. The problem came after updating to 2.2, not sure about version 6.8
Now I downloaded qtcreator-gdb-7.2-mingw-x86.zip from ftp://ftp.qt.nokia.com/misc/gdb/7.2/
Now the app is launched under debug, but breakpoints not hitting :(Would like to know is it the correct gdb to use.
If gdb doesn't hit a breakpoint set by file name and line number the reason is in most cases that you try to debug a binary that was not compiled with the -g option (i.e. "is not a 'Debug' build). Make sure this option appears on the g++ command line in the "Application output" pane when (re-)building the project, or pastebin the contents of this pane.
In any case, please also pastebin a new debugger log containing only one attempt to debug something. [The log at http://pastebin.com/gbqCBXfa contains a mix of a gdb 6.8 session, and some locally built gdb 7.2 that seems to have problems to find it's own pretty printers. Neither of these two versions of gdb have been shipped with Qt Creator, nor downloaded from ftp.qt.nokia.com.]
Removing all assert statements in the code solved the problem, sorry for the very long delay in updating the thread.