Display problem
I'm developping a game with Qt + Sfml, and I encountered a problem conerning the display, the screen flashes when these attributs are not setted:
canvas->setAttribute(Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent);@But when I set them, there'se no problem conerning the blink.
When I display a window in the middle of the sfml widget, there's no problem, but when I hide it and show an other, I see the new window opened with the old window in background, it's like these attributes dont clear the background when a window is hidden.
I don't know how to solve this problem, could you help me ?
Thanks for my english.
Only top-level Qt widgets have an associated native window. Child widgets don't draw a background because they assume their top-level parent widget will do so. For those widgets to be shown over a sfml widget, try forcing them to have a native window using:
@ -
A variable menuGame contain the canvas (sfml screen) and others widgets that are displaying above the canvas, I set this attribute to the global widget menuGame and the child widget both before and after but it doesnt change nothing.
By the way thanks for your fast answer.