Compilation Issue with QWS example
Hey ZapB I Tried as per your comment and finally able to build. Thanks for your quick support. I gave below command -
./configure -embedded x86 -xplatform linux-g++ -no-glib -no-iconv -qvfb
I am also able to run QWS/framebuffer example outside the X which draws 3 rectangle using qvfb.Which perfact works for me.
But still getting compilation error on mousecalibration example-
/opt/qtsdk-2010.04/qt/examples/qws/mousecalibration/calibration.cpp:141: undefined reference to QWSServer::mouseHandler() -
When you are running qmake on the application .pro file, are you sure that you are running the correct version of qmake. ie the one built as part of your Qt-embedded build?
Where is your Qt-embedded installed to? Can you post the output of:
@which qmake@
@qmake -r@
Hopefully that will show us which libs the app is trying to link to and whether they are the right ones or not.
I'm offline for periods this week so it may take me a day or more to get back to you.
Good luck!
Yes..My embedded Qt is installed on home/embeddedQt/qtsdk-2010.04/qt/
Output of which qmake
/home/embeddedQt/qtsdk-2010.0Reading /home/embeddedQt/qtsdk-2010.04/qt/examplesOutputof qmake -r
Reading /home/embeddedQt/qtsdk-2010.04/qt/examples/qws/framebuffer/
Reading /home/embeddedQt/qtsdk-2010.04/qt/examples/qws/mousecalibration/
Reading /home/embeddedQt/qtsdk-2010.04/qt/examples/qws/simpledecoration/simpledecoration.proOutput of make -
g++ -Wl,-rpath-link,/home/embeddedQt/qtsdk-2010.04/qt/lib -Wl,-O1 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/Trolltech/QtEmbedded-4.6.3-i386/lib -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/Trolltech/QtEmbedded-4.6.3-i386/lib -o mousecalibration .obj/release-shared-emb-x86/calibration.o .obj/release-shared-emb-x86/scribblewidget.o .obj/release-shared-emb-x86/main.o -L/home/embeddedQt/qtsdk-2010.04/qt/lib -lQtGui -L/home/embeddedQt/qtsdk-2010.04/qt/lib -lQtNetwork -lQtCore -lpthread
.obj/release-shared-emb-x86/calibration.o: In functionCalibration::accept()': calibration.cpp:(.text+0xb): undefined reference to
.obj/release-shared-emb-x86/calibration.o: In functionCalibration::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent*)': calibration.cpp:(.text+0x39): undefined reference to
.obj/release-shared-emb-x86/calibration.o: In functionCalibration::exec()': calibration.cpp:(.text+0xd0): undefined reference to
.obj/release-shared-emb-x86/calibration.o: In functionCalibration::Calibration()': calibration.cpp:(.text+0x283): undefined reference to
.obj/release-shared-emb-x86/calibration.o: In functionCalibration::Calibration()': calibration.cpp:(.text+0x403): undefined reference to
.obj/release-shared-emb-x86/calibration.o: In functionCalibration::paintEvent(QPaintEvent*)': calibration.cpp:(.text+0x51f): undefined reference to
.obj/release-shared-emb-x86/main.o: In functionmain': main.cpp:(.text+0x3d): undefined reference to
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [mousecalibration] Error 1 -
Initially while making setup i downloaded below Qt-4.6.3 version complete SDK and installed it on Desktop
The Desktop Qt installed path was /opt. Then i took the copy of Desktop Qt qtsdk-2010.04 folder on /home and i configure the Qt as embedded and built it. While build i am giving the path of Qt embedded only.
Hi ZapB, Scylla,
I got the solution today..the problem was with my qt embedded installation. I was using the sysroot qt sdk which i got after running the qt-sdk-linux-x86-opensource-2010.05.1.bin.It built fine with default configuration but for embedded configuration (./configure -embedded x86 -xplatform linux-g++ -no-glib -no-iconv -qvfb) it gave me build issue with QWS example.
Then i downloaded the qt for embedded linux version 4.6.2 (qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.6.2.tar.gz) which works fine for qws.
ZapB thanks alot for your support for finally fixing the issue. .. -
Hi ZapB. I m a beginner in Qt. Is there anyway I can implement and use the QWS on my Desktop Linux system? or Is there any way I can emulate the embedded Linux on the present Linux system.
Also, is there a X Window(client/server) equivalent in Qt?Awaiting your reply.
Thank you. -
Yes you can use qws on your Desttop linux.Download qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.6.2.tar.gz and gothrough READ.
Configure -
./configure -embedded x86 -xplatform linux-g++
make;make install and run the program using -qws as command line argument from console.
Note- you have to go out from xserver to use qwsGoodLuck-
Rahul Pandey -
Thank you Rahul Pandey. I ll give it a try n get back to u.
Vijaeendra Simha