[SOLVED]text output
hi everyone. I'm planning to display a question on my image that would come from a script or code...
for example
@var answer;
var question;
case 0:
answer= firstVar + secondVar;
question=firstVar +"+"+ secondVar;
break;@I need to display the question thingy on the falling objects I'm doing
how would i do that? :D
thanks for the response in advance :D -
I think that's should not be a problem. Do i understand it right ?
....property string questionText : ""
function xxx() {
var answer;
case 0:
answer = firstVar + secondVar;
questionText = firstVar + "+" + secondVar;
}Image {
.....Text {
anchors.centerIn: parent // Something like this
text: questionText // So the questionText should be a property
@ -
your code seems helpful but now the image doesn't appear
this is my complete code
@import QtQuick 1.0
import "Logic.js" as LogicRectangle{
property string questionText:""function questions(r){ var first = Math.floor(Math.random()*11); var second = Math.floor(Math.random()*11); var operation = Math.floor(Math.random()*4); var answer; var question; switch(operation) { case 0: answer=first+second; question=first+"+"+second; break; case 1: answer=first-second; question = first + "-" + second; break; case 2: answer=first*second; question=first+"*"+second; break; case 3: answer=first/second; question=first+"/"+second; break; } }
smooth: false
visible: false
source: "../../../../../Users/MAJA/Desktop/lahat na/Untitled-1.png"
fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectCrop
Text {
anchors.centerIn: parent
text: questionText
}ParallelAnimation{ running: visible NumberAnimation{target: fire;property: "width";to:150;duration:1500} NumberAnimation{target: fire;property: "height";to:150;duration: 1500} NumberAnimation {target:fire;property:"y";from:0 ;to:550;duration:4500} NumberAnimation{target: fire;property: "x";from: fire.x* Math.random;duration: 8500} }
so what's the problem here
Not trying your code, but something you should make sure:
Your Rectangle width and height and also anchors when necessary
smooth: false
visible: false // When to set it true
.....ParallelAnimation{ running: visible // use fire.visible
@And a kind advice for you, when you start to write a QML app, have a look at the example and document first :-)
By the way, there are tons of wonderful examples available. Here is a directory for Qt Quick examples: