Any ideas how makefiles work for opengl
Semi Annoying i feel :( but i got another question any ideas how make files work i need to change some of the text in my proj file to use opengl with headers and i dont really understand it i can reread and try there but it would be awesome if i could get some first hand answering
edit : sorry let me rephrase i need to know how to make QT Work with qtopengl Headers i read up that it was to do with 'MAKE' files or something any ideas
EDIT: split of "this thread": , Gerolf
okay im back sorry for the long wait there! okay i dont even know where to put the QT += opengl part in the pro file it self i know where the file is i got it selected but where exactly on the pro file its self
and include the header files? what like if im using opengl with qt i put that into the include code part
and Qmake? what where do i get it how do i use it and the hole nine yards
Anywhere in the .pro file will do but the QT variable normally gets placed outside of any scopes in the .pro file.
Create a new project in Qt Creator, add QT+=opengl to the generated .pro file and build it. Qt Creator will take care of running qmake and compiling the project for you.
then i can just start writing opengl code into Main.qml?
Wha? You need to put OpenGL code into a C++ file since it needs to be compiled (OK there is a capability of QML in a special plugin to embed GLSL shaders directly into yoru QML items but that is very new and unsupported).
Take a look at the OpenGL examples that ship with Qt itself.
Oh okay :D cool so you make another Source file and Call it whateva.cpp then inside that you type a bunch of opengl code press run and it works ? :D lol im just trying to make shore i get this 100% exact
do i need to have any headers ? with the cpp?
Well I would start off with learning C++ before you dive into OpenGL. Once you are comfortable with C++ then take a look at Qt and finally learn about OpenGL.
Qt ships with a huge number of examples and demos. Take a look at those and the documentation that comes with them (hint use qtdemo to launch the demos and the docs).
<include> iostream
using namespace std;int main ()
cout << "im talking in c++ :P";
{system ("pause");
return 0;
@im fine with c++
im still learning opengl :) i just need to be told the meaning and exact information too fully understand which then misconcepts alot too that im a noob lol too most people dont worry about it
[EDIT: code formatting, please wrap in @-tags, Volker]
To use OpenGL with Qt, you need a QGLWidget. Have a look at the "documentation":, it will tell you most things you need. If that's not enough, have a look at an example, e.g. "Hello GL":