USB Communication Using Qt
[quote author="Andre" date="1303985184"]
There is an enumerator in the source code:
[/quote]you mean the enum on NamingConvention ?
I did not come across this yet. But it is nowherelse referenced. So it could be dead source. -
I mean this class:
Sure, old code, and not in the docs, but the code is there...
BTW the sourceforge project is no longer active. The new home is "here":
@Koahnig, if I don't come right with libusb I can fall back on serial to USB as you suggested. Tnx for the link to qextserport.
@ZapB, tnx for the info serial to USB converter chip. If required I will modify my hardware and go the serial route.
I will post here again on completion of the project with info on how to do it for others that might find it useful. -
@Candiman Thx for feedback. Good to know that it helped. Good luck with your project. Please make sure to post a link in this thread. I am interested to see the outcome.
@ZapB Thx for updated link. Wasn't aware of this. There seem to be a couple of derivatives of the source floating around. Actually I started out with one, but some things required reversal. So it is good to know where the original source code is. Have fun. -
Hi, I have found this thread because I have a similar problem.
I have to communicate with a serial external device folowing a simple yet precise protocol. I have tried a fast test to develop the protocol using RXTCComm java library that works not so good and now I was searching for a Qt approach that is the final goal of the other side of the device.
I try to put all your advices together and see if a working stuff can be done. If it maybe useful I put the project on the project area so who is interested can follow. As the project is ready and setup it will be on I will announce it on t the forum appropriate area and in the Qt embedded group.
Anticipating many thanks to all.
Hi. I have used rs232 communication in visual c++ 6.0
which work very well. But because of my problem with
transmit images trough socket in VC++ which is
too complicated than Qt implementation ( very simple ).
I need to implement rs232 comunication.
My interface have to use TCP socket for internet comunication and rs232 for comunicate with microcontroller
and electrical devices. -
Hi dan_geo, let me know if you get your RS232 comms working with Qt. I have had to shift focus to a different project but during the downtime over the December holidays and from Jan 2012 I will be putting effort into the USB via Qt project again since many of my projects can benefit from having a GUI that I can design with Qt. I decided not to go with the RS232 option because so many PCs these days don't have a serial port. USB to serial converters are cheap, but if I can communicate directly with my device using USB then I don't need any additional hardware / drivers etc.
Good luck! -
I have not get rs232 comm. Next days i will try to
implement them in Qt. If you are a source, please
sent to me. About usb, this task i will do later
with PIC18F4455. At usb i understand that
for make a host usb is more complicated than
implement a usb client for example a controller. -
What its the best to access USB port: (Updated)
According to "this post": there is a wiki on "QtSerialPort": Apparently, the source is inherited from QSerialDevice.
It's possible to use the QtSerialPort on QT4? On this page (see: show thats is possible but he only explains to build in qt5!
Anyone is using on QT4? The example there show only to build on Windows, not on linux...
Build and install process:
bq. $mkdir serialport-build $cd serialport-build $qmake ../qtserialport/ $make (or nmake) $make install (or nmake install) Note: But in Windows, this build and install only the Debug version. To build and install Release version - just repeat the steps again, with: bq. $qmake ../qtserialport/ CONFIG+=release use: ~~~ your custom *.pro file: bq. CONFIG += serialport your *.cpp file: @#include <QtAddOnSerialPort/serialport.h> #include <QtAddOnSerialPort/serialportinfo.h> QT_USE_NAMESPACE_SERIALPORT@
hi kuzulis, from QtCreator I build and appears to works fine... Doing the make as you said give me an error...
I have already copy and past the folder "QtAddOnSerialPorta" to “../bin/QtSDK/Desktop/Qt/4.8.1/gcc/include/.” and QtCreator find the includes:@
#include <QtAddOnSerialPort/serialport.h>
#include <QtAddOnSerialPort/serialportinfo.h
@I'm trying to run the example on that page but doesn't works.... the errors:
"Undefined reference to 'QtAddOn::SerialPort::SerialPortInfo::avaliablePorts()'"
... (more others 14 similar erros) -
Sorry I made some mistake:
When I try to compile on Qt using 4.6.1 or using the make on shell It gives me this error:
moc_serialport.cpp:55:16: error: ‘SerialPort’ was not declared in this scope
On the QT 4.8.1 the Qt Creator gives the message:
#error (moc changes too much)