[Moved] Qt Creator saying no valid qt versions found please add a qt version when creating a new project
[quote author="lordmonkey" date="1309173826"] I have VS installed on my PC and I use it so should I install the mingw version then ? [/quote]
I am using VS2005. I would download the qt source then and so the compilation. The binaries of mingw are not compatible with vs to my understanding.
You can get it "here":http://qt.nokia.com/downloads/windows-cpp-vs2008 . You see also the link for the source on this page. Possibly, you can use also the .exe . However, i have no experience with this.Edit: If you like to use qt creator instead of visual studio, it could be better to go with mingw.
I don't suggest to download sources and compile them. We already have compiled libraries available ( for both minGW and for VS). You can make use of them. Compilation may be needed if you are making changes to qt itself. But I don't think you do that. If you want to use qt with your VS, please use vs version of libraries. Please excuse me for my old post, its not clear.
Ok but can anyone point the differences between these libraries (VS version ) and VS Qt add on ? ( http://qt.nokia.com/downloads/visual-studio-add-in )
[quote author="lordmonkey" date="1309174794"]Ok but can anyone point the differences between these libraries (VS version ) and VS Qt add on ? ( http://qt.nokia.com/downloads/visual-studio-add-in ) [/quote]
The add-ins are only tools for easier handling of qt within vs. You need to have both.
Look at "What is the Qt Visual Studio add-in?":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/faq/answer/what_is_the_qt_visual_studio_add-in
Ok, so I have installed these libraries, I have qmake and I have added it in the creator's tools > options but there is a small text box on the bottom of this window saying : qt version is not properly installed, please run make install. How should I do this ?
I guess you have installed in the binaries of Qt for vs2008?
This is on windows?Probably you should sketch the steps you have done. The "make install" I have seen so far only on linux, when you provide a prefix in cofigure. However, this might be part now also on Windows. I have never done with the binaries yet.
wow.. don't what that is..
- open your qt command prompt and run make install.
To get to qt command promopt -> windows desktop -> start -> all programs -> find qt here -> you should find a command prompt inside qt..
From that run "make install".. and try again to see if Qt Creator detects it.
2) Add qmake.exe dir to PATH variable.. if you qmake.exe is in c:\qt\bin, add c:\qt\bin to PATH variable. Now open Qt Creator, and Qt Creator should automatically detect your Qt. Check it from Tools > Options... > Qt4 >Sorry to see that you run in to lot of problems..
NOW I SEE... I was adding Qt version ( qmake ) from ..qt/make dir instead of ..qt/bin dir .
So now as I have added this I have this "problem"!http://i.imgur.com/b0FX0.png!
And the creator is still saying that there is no qt version :/
When I try to build these Helpers (whatever they are ) I get a message that "the qt version has no tool chain" -
:( .. I will download qt libraries and see how it goes for me.
it works just fine for me..
And from the image you have attached, your setup is just fine. Now you should be able to build qt apps from you Qt-Creator. Try it and let us know if it works from Qt-Creator.
[quote author="lordmonkey" date="1309183701"]
And the creator is still saying that there is no qt version :/
Where is it saying there is no qt version?? I don't see it in the image you have posted. Is it complaining when you try to build an app... if this is the case,- open qt project
- Click on "Projects" button
- Highlight the build setup "Desktop"
- Click on drop down list for Qt Version, and select "Desktop" ( since you have named your qt to Desktop)
- Now try to build your application.
But I cannot open any project (e.g. an example from 'qt c++ tutorials' ) or create one because it keeps saying that I do not have any qt version installed.
you have a Target called "Desktop" added. I don't know whey its not showing it here.
Did you try "Auto-detected" approach like the one I mentioned in my previous posts. Probably worth giving it a try.
2) Add qmake.exe dir to PATH variable.. if you qmake.exe is in c:\qt\bin, add c:\qt\bin to PATH variable. Now open Qt Creator, and Qt Creator should automatically detect your Qt. Check it from Tools > Options… > Qt4 >" -
Something like that ?
exactly ... does this work now.. you have "Qt in Path" in Version name and you should get this when you are creating a new project in Target selection page.
It does not work... I have no idea at all what can I do more.
Wired.. now its time some "TROLLS" come in and help us :).
Do you have a tool chain set up?
I do have something like that.
and btw: does it make a difference if I have VS 2010 and I have downloaded libraries for 2008 ?
Thats it: You have no tool chain set up for your Qt version:-( You need a Qt build with MSVC2010 if you want to use that tool chain.
ToDo: Improve the error message in the project setup wizard.