[Solved] setToolTip in QAction menu
In the declaration of ModQMenuBar you inherited QMenuBar, however did not make it public. In the line 7 of your header file, try the following:
class ModQMenuBar : public QMenuBar
@ -
Right... you're missing the "public" keyword. When you inherit from a class, you specify the type of inheritance. Mostly you would only need public inheritance, you could read up on private and protected inheritance if you want.
So it should be..
@ class ModQMenuBar : public QMenuBar @
[ Edit: We probably need a "svn update" functionality on the "reply page" :-P .. so we can update the post to see if it's been answered before committing the reply.. ]
Now produced another error
/usr/include/QtGui/qmenubar.h:340: error: ‘QMenuBar& QMenuBar::operator=(const QMenuBar&)’ is private
/home/MatheusDevel/Devel/QtOptica/QtOptica-build-desktop/../QtOptica/ModQMenuBar.h:8: error: within this context
/home/MatheusDevel/Devel/QtOptica/QtOptica-build-desktop/../QtOptica/WindowMain.cpp:25: synthesized method ‘ModQMenuBar& ModQMenuBar::operator=(const ModQMenuBar&)’ first required here
You wouldn't need to access the "=" operation of the menubar normally. So i in your code
@ modmenubar = new ModQMenuBar(this); @
modmenubar should a pointer to ModQMenuBar
@ ModQMenuBar* modmenubar; @
If that doesn't fix it.. could you post relevant code?
I declared in header
#define WINDOWMAIN_H#include <QMainWindow>
#include <QMdiArea>
#include "ModQMenuBar.h"class WindowMain : public QMainWindow
WindowMain(QWidget *parent = 0);~WindowMain(); private: // Area MDI QMdiArea *mdiarea; // Menus QMenu *arquivos; QMenu *relatorios; QMenu *ferramentas; QMenu *fiscal; QMenu *moviment; QMenu *configura; QMenu *ajuda; QMenu *redundantes; QMenu *relgerencias; // QActions de menus QAction *clientes; QAction *produtos; QAction *forneced; QAction *represen; QAction *usuarios; QAction *medicos; QAction *sair; QAction *enderecos; QAction *marclente; QAction *matelente; QAction *tipopgto; QAction *tipolente; QAction *tratament; QAction *restricoes; QAction *autobackup; QAction *bdconexao; QAction *impressdoc; QAction *leiturax; QAction *reducaoz; QAction *configicms; QAction *manual; QAction *queisso; QAction *sobre; QAction *relvenda; QAction *relcaixa; QAction *relespelhos; QAction *relos; QAction *partmedica; QAction *partfuncio; QAction *fatumensal; QAction *fatudiario; QAction *ranklentes; QAction *rankfornec; QAction *orcamentos; QAction *devolucoes; QAction *movicaixa; QAction *ordemservic; QAction *vendas; QAction *contapagar; QAction *contarecebe; QAction *calcula; QAction *callenbord; QAction *compatarmlen; QAction *backup; ModQMenuBar modmenubar; // << << << << here
#endif // WINDOWMAIN_H
@ -
Now after posting the code here, I notice not defined as a pointer.
I had set as a stack variable.
Thanks !!!!!!!
@ModQMenuBar *modmenubar; // << << << << here@
Is compiling normally, but the tooltip does not yet appear.
I did a test by putting a message to display if the IF test is satisfied. The message is never shown, ie, the IF test is never satisfied.
@#include "ModQMenuBar.h"
#include <QToolTip>
#include <QHelpEvent>
#include <iostream>ModQMenuBar::ModQMenuBar(QWidget *parent):QMenuBar(parent)
bool ModQMenuBar::event(QEvent * evt)
const QHelpEvent *helpEvent = static_cast<QHelpEvent *>(evt);if(helpEvent->type() == QEvent::ToolTip) { QToolTip::showText(helpEvent->globalPos(), activeAction()->toolTip()); std::cout << "Passou no IF"; // test if } return QMenuBar::event(evt);
@I'm setting the tooltip for the method by QActions setToolTip
@restricoes = new QAction("Restrinções", configura);
restricoes->setToolTip("Configura o acesso dos usuários ao sistema");
@ -
I've just tested the code you posted, the tooltip appears.
Remember, to see the tooltip you need to leave the mouse pointer stopped for a while over the menu item.
And try to use "qDebug()":http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qdebug.html instead of std::cout.
ok, I'll put here some of the code where I use the ModQMenuBar
#include <QRect>
#include <QMenuBar>
#include <QToolBar> // Cabeçalhos da API Qt que serão usadas na janela pincipal
#include <QStatusBar>
#include <QList>#include "WindowMain.h" // Usa o arquivo de cabeçalho onde a classe foi definida
/* Define a classe WindowMain e já invoca o
construtor da classe pai, passando o ponteiro
"parent" como parâmetro.*/WindowMain::WindowMain(QWidget *parent):QMainWindow(parent)
QTextCodec::setCodecForCStrings(QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8")); // Define os caracteres da
// aplicação p/ UTF-8setWindowTitle("TESTETSTETS"); modmenubar = new ModQMenuBar(this); setMenuBar(modmenubar); // Exibe a barra de status de QMainWindow statusBar()->show(); // Prepara a area de trabalho MDI da aplicação mdiarea = new QMdiArea; setCentralWidget(mdiarea); // Prepara o menu principal da aplicação configura = menuBar()->addMenu("&Configurações"); // Prepara os itens de menu restricoes = new QAction("Restrinções", configura); autobackup = new QAction("Backup Automático", configura); bdconexao = new QAction("Conexão com o BD", configura); impressdoc = new QAction("Impressão de Documentos", configura); // Configuração das dicas de ferramenta restricoes->setToolTip("Configura o acesso dos usuários ao sistema"); autobackup->setToolTip("Configura o backup automático do sistema"); bdconexao->setToolTip("Configura a conexão com o banco de dados"); // Carregando a lista de itens QList <QAction *> listconfig; listconfig << restricoes << autobackup << bdconexao << impressdoc;
//Adicionando a lista de intens aos menus
// Deixando a janela no centro da tela
QRect ct = geometry();
delete mdiarea;
delete modmenubar;
@The header has already posted above
The current code handles QEvent::ToolTip in QMenuBar::event. For the menu items, you need to do the same QMenu::event().
Just a side note: As you can see, Qt does not support this use case by default. Do a quick research in your system, how many applications show tooltips like those you want? IMHO menu and menu items should have self-explaining names. If the menu names are good enough, the tooltips are redundant. But that's just my opinion...