Future of Qt
HuXiKa, I think because of ' char. Fill bug in bugtracker.
Marius, do you see any other problems in that link?
mariusg, don't forget to point developers to this thing, please.
Luka, we posted a blog the other day about the future of Qt - http://blog.qt.nokia.com/2011/06/21/qt’s-future-for-nokia-bringing-apps-to-the-next-billion/
And here is the update on Qt 5 by Lars - http://labs.qt.nokia.com/2011/05/11/responses-to-qt-5/
Better yet, come visit us at Qt Developer Days :) http://qt.nokia.com/qtdevdays2011
How can you post a blog about the future of Qt where author speaks about Meego phone as an example of the Qt momentum? Nokia announced that N9 will be the first and the last Meego device, so what about the Qt future in mobile sector? We don't know. We are waiting for the next move, of course towards Windows. That's not a good announcement, don't you think so? :-(
skypjack, N9 is not MeeGo, it is MeeGo-compatible, please don't forget it.
I think there will be more MeeGo devices later from other vendors.
About Qt future in mobile sector. Take a look at necessitas project (it is port to Android). -
Nokia says N9 will be shipped with Meego, so it will be the first phone shipped with Meego by this company and (Nokia says again) the last one. I don't worry about other vendor, I'm writing within a forum on developer.qt.NOKIA.com!
I know what's Necessitas but really do you think Qt has a rich future on Android thanks to Necessitas? I know Android, I've studied Android, have you ever do that? I used to develop sometime with Java and sometime with C/C++ (and Qt), sometime for desktop and sometime for mobile.. Looking at Android you can understand that Necessitas has no future, that's the fact. Why developers should use Qt and Necessitas developing Android applications? That's really not the right way, that's only the way for Java detractors!:-)
skypjack, you can read some more info "here":http://forum.meego.com/showthread.php?t=3599 and in other threads of that forum. It is MeeGo compatible, but it is not vanilla MeeGo.
I don't understand, give me a bit of knowledge: what's your problem with N9 OS?
Ok, here (http://blog.qt.nokia.com/2011/06/21/qt’s-future-for-nokia-bringing-apps-to-the-next-billion/) I can read: The exciting new Qt-powered Nokia N9 device running Linux (MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan) was announced today, providing more opportunities for Qt app developers in 2011 – Experimental MeeGo Harmattan 1.2 target added to the Qt SDK, and here (http://www.developer.nokia.com/Devices/MeeGo/) Nokia says: The Nokia N9 smartphone, based on MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan.
You like to say that the device is Meego compatible and it will not be shipped with Meego? Ok. No matters. As you want!! :-D
That's not a problem for me...However, Qt on mobile future is quite dark, in despite of this details! :-)
Looking at the real word we know that Android is not a good way for Qt developers, with or without Necessitas, Nokia mobile department will drive towards W7, Meego has been depicted as a not so good choice for mobile sector by vendors...Qt can has a future on desktop, because of the license that opens the door to a fork.
That's all. Current year is 2011: no mobile, no party. Qt has not a glorious future as I'd like.
Otherwise we can speak about the perfect word that doesn't exist and we can draw a fantastic future for our preferred framework, of course! -
It all depends up on what kind of reception N9 will get. If it attracts good number of developers, who knows other OEM manufactures may release meego powered smart phones. And we have Symbian officially supported by Nokia till 2016 and Nokia is going to release 10 more Symbian devices in next one year.
And There are some confirmed :) rumors that Qt will come to S40.
Good luck, guys. Are you waiting for N9 reception?
Android at the moment on mobile has been depicted as the equivalent of what Windows was for pc on 1990s: the only alternative to himself. Unfortunately, the market choose for us and today Android has been choosed. Open your eyes!
What do you intend with a good number of developers? Do you know numbers of Google oriented developers (aka Android oriented) or Apple addicted? Do you think we can reach this numbers?Of course, I hope other vendors will look at Meego as an alternative. I.e. would you like to speak about WeTab? We cannot compare it whit iPad, Samsung tablet and the other supporting Android. I'm sorry.
Wow, Symbian supported till 2016? And then? Symbian is not so good today and it has no future. I'm 28 years old, I don't like to spent my time on a platform that will die, that has been public announced it will die!! Best alternative is the scenario within we all become strictly Windows addicted developers using Qt on our W7/W8/W9/... based Nokia? No, thanks.
Are you waiting for N9 reception? I'm waiting for an open source Qt port.
I like to develop using C/C++ and Qt and also using Java, and I like to develop desktop applications as mobile applications, so I'll develop using things the right way.:-)