Update to a nighty or un-official version?
Is it possible to update my Qt sdk to a nightly / un-official version from the repository?
I've "encountered a bug":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/forums/viewthread/6884 on the example of OpenGL , Cube.
@sigrid told me, it has been already fixed in the respiratory for an upcoming version, providing the fix. But, the fix doesn't work. So, I was wondering if it was possible to update and get the corrected files in a linear fashion.
You can clone the git repository at http://qt.gitorious.org/ (or just download the appropriate files you need)
There are nightly updated snapshot builds for Qt Creator, but not for the sdk.
"see Link ":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/wiki/Category:Tools::QtCreator
You can see them in the ftp : ftp.qt.nokia.com.
There is also a qt branch. I checked, but it is outdated. So no luck for you, sorry. -
Glad you like it, but the stuff you are referring to is also accessible "on devnet ":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/resources