How to mask a singal
in gridview,on the one hand i want to click a picture then display it in full screen,on the other hand i want use onPressAndHold:{}and onReleased{} to implement drag and drop to change picture's position,drag and drop do it well but onclick:{} can not implement!
I don't know if you can ignore the click() signal. You can ignore the handling of your code inside the onClicked: slot.
Inside your onPressAndHold: , set a variable to tell that you got long press. And when you get onClicked: slot, check if onPressAndHold was handled with the help of the variable you are setting.
the code is :
import QtQuick 1.0Rectangle {
width: 800
height: 420
color: "#222222"
Component {
id: widgetdelegate
Item {
width: grid.cellWidth; height: grid.cellHeight
Image {
id: im
source: portrait;
anchors.centerIn: parent
width: grid.cellWidth - 10; height: grid.cellHeight - 10
smooth: true
MouseArea{onClicked: { console.log("test") }//here do not carry out } //fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit Rectangle { id: imRect anchors.fill: parent; radius: 5 anchors.centerIn: parent border.color: "#326487"; color: "transparent"; border.width: 6; opacity: 0 } } Rectangle { id: iWasHere width: 20; height: 20; radius: 20 smooth: true anchors.centerIn: parent color: "white"; opacity: 0 } states: [ State { name: "inDrag" when: index == grid.firstIndexDrag PropertyChanges { target: iWasHere; opacity: 1 } PropertyChanges { target: imRect; opacity: 1 } PropertyChanges { target: im; parent: container } PropertyChanges { target: im; width: (grid.cellWidth - 10) / 2 } PropertyChanges { target: im; height: (grid.cellHeight - 10) / 2 } PropertyChanges { target: im; anchors.centerIn: undefined } PropertyChanges { target: im; x: coords.mouseX - im.width/2 } PropertyChanges { target: im; y: coords.mouseY - im.height/2 } } ] transitions: [ Transition { NumberAnimation { properties: "width, height, opacity"; duration: 300; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad } } ] } } GridView { property int firstIndexDrag: -1
flow: GridView.TopToBottom
id: grid
x: 0; y: 0
//interactive: false//anchors.rightMargin: 200 // anchors.bottomMargin: 100 //anchors.leftMargin: 200 //anchors.topMargin: 100 anchors.fill: parent cellWidth: parent.width/5; cellHeight: parent.height/3; model: WidgetModel { id: widgetmodel } delegate: widgetdelegate Item { id: container anchors.fill: parent } MouseArea { id: coords anchors.fill: parent onReleased: { if (grid.firstIndexDrag != -1) widgetmodel.move(grid.firstIndexDrag,grid.indexAt(mouseX, mouseY),1) grid.firstIndexDrag = -1 grid.interactive=true } onPressAndHold: { console.log("the x and the y is") console.log(coords.mouseX) console.log(coords.mouseY) grid.firstIndexDrag=grid.indexAt(mouseX, mouseY) grid.interactive=false } } }
@[EDIT: code formatting, please wrap in @-tags, Volker]
- removed code
- please check if some of the moderators has done it, before you repost
- if you need to format, edit your original post or comment, it has an edit link on the right, just below your username/avater
- do not just repost everything in a new comment
thanks, Volker
The mouse parameter available in onClicked should have a wasHeld property that is set to true if there was a pressAndHold. e.g. you should be able to test this like:
onClicked: if (mouse.wasHeld) return;
@From memory, for QtQuick 1.1 the behavior was slightly changed so that onClicked will not fire if the mouse event in onPressAndHold is accepted (which it is by default if onPressAndHold is specified).