Qt 4.7.2 - Definitely something wrong with macdeployqt! :(
Because of that macdeployqt issue, I was thinking of reverting to Qt SDK 2010.05, but I like the updated Qt Creator, so I might have a look at doing the work of macdeployqt using my CMake script. Incidentally, Qt SDK 1.1 Beta doesn't seem to work nicely with CMake on Mac OS X, since the installer suggests installing the Qt SDK under one's home directory (!!) which makes CMake unable to find Qt. So far, I must confess that I am rather disappointed by Qt SDK 1.1 Beta. More problems than anything at this point.
You can always get the components of the SDK individually. That's what I do, but it is of course a matter of taste (and of habit, as there was no SDK when I started with Qt etc.)
EDIT: PS - the SDK 1.1 is still in beta test, so some problems should be expected. Unfortunately, it hit you...
Sorry we as the SDK team didn't got these bugreports - so this is a communication problem. But as an advice if you see something which is working with the standalone Qt but not in the SDK please choose "Nokia Qt SDK Installer" as the project in jira.
PS: moved the bugreports to us
for what its worth:
- macdeployqt disregards the symbolic links under the frameworks when it is copying them. therefore copying every framework binary twice and crashing at runtime
- macdeployqt also fails to make a .dmg from applications which contain spaces. this is because it forks hdiutil and hands it the name splitted by ' '.
i submitted a patch for both problems under http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTSDK-731
hope this helps.