Function pointers in Qt
The problem is that I'm not allowed to edit Blochsim. So I need to use function adaptors. I tried the following (as it's done in the link you gave me, Gerolf) but it doesn't compile
constantFieldDirChanger = new LinkedSliderDoubleSpinBox(minConstantDir,maxConstantDir,sliderLength,std::bind1st(mem_fun(&(((MainWindow*)parentWidget())->openGLApp->blochsim->setConstantFieldDirection)),this),std::bind1st(mem_fun(&(((MainWindow*)parentWidget())->openGLApp->blochsim->getConstantFieldDirection)),this),this);@
Error is: ISO C++ forbids taking the address of a bound member function to form a pointer to member function. Say '&Blochsim::setConstantFieldDirection'
Any ideas?
Thank you for your example. Unfortunately, your example doesn't imitate my problem. The function I want to call is supposed to edit the object's member variables of the class... not only use it within the members of the current stack!
Let's rephrase the problem. Is there anyway (not necessarily function pointers) to pass blochsim object's member function (that affect the object's member variables of blochsim) to my class to use it later when needed?
[quote author="TheDestroyer" date="1305202824"]
Let's rephrase the problem. Is there anyway (not necessarily function pointers) to pass blochsim object's member function (that affect the object's member variables of blochsim) to my class to use it later when needed?[/quote]Why not? Just keep the functor + pointer to object to invoke them later
You could also try the following method to call a class member:
@#define CALL_MEMBER_FN(object,ptrToMember) ((object).*(ptrToMember))
typedef < return_type > (MyClass::*pt2Member)(< parameters >);
// somewhere where you want to call a member function
pt2Member p = &Myclass::memberfunction;
CALL_MEMBER_FN(< pointer_to_MyClass_object >, p)(< parameters >)@But this is still based on the fact Gerolf said: you need a this parameter to call a member function.
This is basic C++ stuff. Perhaps the "C++ FAQ": would be a good guide here.
But I'm not allowed to edit Blochsim that has the function that is going to edit the variable I need! I can't "create" a functor for Blochsim! the thing I'm doing is passing a set and get functions. Can I convert these functions to functors?
Could you please elaborate more on that if I misunderstood you?
HuXiKa, thank you for your efforts. But I don't want to call a member function. I want to pass it to a function.
I want to have them automatically linked in this class, because I have like 20 instances of this.
In that case create a QSlider and a QDoubleSpinBox and link them in the constructor of the LinkedSliderDoubleSpinBox. You can also do all the laying out of the slider and the spin box within the LinkedSliderDoubleSpinBox at this point. You could always derive from QFrame rather than QWidget to allow borders etc.
When you want to use the LiLinkedSliderDoubleSpinBox just create one. If you use layouts etc. it should give you a nice widget you can use anywhere.
The problem is not creating and linking them. The problem is linking them together to the "set" function that is going to do the changes in the simulation. The set function is located in another class (blochsim). I don't have variables access in that class, just set and get functions to access the variables.
If you always connect the same types, it is absolutly no problem:
LinkedSliderDoubleSpinBox::LinkedSliderDoubleSpinBox(double minValue, double maxValue, long int bins, QSlider* pSlider, QWidget *parent) :
connect(pSlider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int), this, SLOT(setValue(int));
connect(this, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int), pSlider, SLOT(setValue(int));
@ -
Here is the thing. setValue(...) is a member function of another class's object, where I want to call the function INSIDE that object after to set a value INSIDE that object.
Since this operation is not specific and isn't supposed to control a single situation, or in other words one object's variable but rather apply the same slider with the spinbox to many other variables (this is the idea in the first place), I want to pass the "setValue(...)" function to the class, so that the class could use it as it needs.
Doesn't this look difficult?
ahhhhh, man! this is veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy diasppointing. The class isn't Qt derived :D
but I think I'm starting to get the solution. but I need your help!
I'm reading a book called "Professional C++" by Solter and Kleper.
An example solution to my problem is the following (under Pointers to Methods):
SpreadsheetCell myCell;
double (SpreadsheetCell::*methodPtr) () const = &SpreadsheetCell::getValue;
cout << myCell.*methodPtr) () << endl;
@I'm trying to do like this code as follows:
double (Blochsim::*getConstantFieldDirPtr) () const = &Blochsim::getConstantFieldDirection();
but this line is giving me the following error:cannot call member function 'double Blochsim::getConstantFieldDirection()' without an object.
I tried to define and object from the class Blochsim (which I know doesn't make sense because it's in another line):
Blochsim bs;
double (Blochsim::*getConstantFieldDirPtr) () const = &Blochsim::getConstantFieldDirection();
but still gives the same error!any idea how to solve this??? :D I'm happy I'm getting close to the solution!!!
It would be:
class TObj {
double funcA() {
return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
TObj tobj;double (TObj::*funcAPtr)() = &TObj::funcA; (tobj.*funcAPtr)();
@I've write some years an similar code on PalmOS.
But then again, you need the object where you call it. If I understood correctly, he does not want to have the object in present. otherwise, he would not need that.
I would go with "boost::bind":
So, I have a working example for your needs together with boost::bind and boost::function.
here we go:@
#include <QtGui/QWidget>
#include <boost/function.hpp>class MyWidget : public QWidget
explicit MyWidget(QWidget *parent = 0);protected slots:
void changed1(int);
void changed2(int);private:
boost::function<void(int)> setValue1;
boost::function<void(int)> setValue2;
@I have a widget with two children, a slider and a spin box. The change of one of the triggers the slots. There I will (without using the class) change the value of the other object:
#include <QtGui/QSlider>
#include <QtGui/QSpinBox>
#include <QtGui/QVBoxLayout>
#include <boost/bind/bind.hpp>MyWidget::MyWidget(QWidget parent) :
QSlider pSlider = new QSlider(Qt::Horizontal, this);
connect(pSlider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(changed1(int)));QSpinBox* pSpin = new QSpinBox(this); pSpin->setRange(0,100); pSpin->setValue(20); connect(pSpin, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(changed2(int))); QVBoxLayout* pLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this); pLayout->addWidget(pSlider); pLayout->addWidget(pSpin); setLayout(pLayout); setFixedSize(sizeHint()); setValue1 = boost::bind(&QSlider::setValue, pSlider, _1); setValue2 = boost::bind(&QSpinBox::setValue, pSpin, _1);
void MyWidget::changed1(int value)
}void MyWidget::changed2(int value)
@the trick here is the usage of
- boost::function<void(int)> setValue1;
together with: - setValue1 = boost::bind(&QSlider::setValue, pSlider, _1);
The only disadvantage is: you need boost (at least partially...)
you need (at least on boost 1.44) all headers in boost, and the following folders in boost:
- bind
- config
- detail
- exception
- function
- function_types
- mpl
- preprocessor
- type_traits
- utility
- boost::function<void(int)> setValue1;