Cannot find -lQtMultimedia
Qt version :4.7.1 on linux system (ubuntu 10.10)
this is the .pro file
@#-------------------------------------------------Project created by QtCreator 2011-04-20T10:11:14
QT += core
QT -= gui
QT +=multimediaTARGET = audiotest
CONFIG += console
CONFIG -= app_bundleTEMPLATE = app
INSTALLS=targetINCLUDEPATH +=/home/aladin/QtSDK/Desktop/Qt/473/gcc/include/QtMultimedia/
INCLUDEPATH +=/home/aladin/QtSDK/Desktop/Qt/473/gcc/include/
LIBS +=/home/aladin/QtSDK/QtCreator/lib/qtcreator/libQtMultimedia.soSOURCES += main.cpp
audio.cppHEADERS +=
audio.h@i added this lines :
1-QT +=multimedia
2-INCLUDEPATH +=/home/aladin/QtSDK/Desktop/Qt/473/gcc/include/QtMultimedia/
3-INCLUDEPATH +=/home/aladin/QtSDK/Desktop/Qt/473/gcc/include/
4-LIBS +=/home/aladin/QtSDK/QtCreator/lib/qtcreator/libQtMultimedia.soafter i commented line (1) and add .4 for the line (4) but this time i get a new error :
/home/aladin/Projects/Qt/audiotest-build-desktop/audiotest: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory -
It is most likely in different package; you need to include it with QT += multimedia... Really, read its documentation, the forum is not substitute to doc.
I also got crazy with this error, and the documentation really didn't help.
Combining serveral posts on other forums, and with trial and error, I needed following steps to get the multimedia compiling and running again under Ubuntu.
(In the .pro file)
QT += mobility multimediakit
CONFIG += mobility
MOBILITY = multimedia
... and also remove the QT += multimedia