[Solved] Printing problem
Hi all.
I want to print texts entered in some LineEdit to specified locations on paper but i don't know how to do that. -
Did you look at the QPrinter class?
bq. "void QPrinter::setPaperSource - Sets the paper source...":http://doc.trolltech.com/latest/qprinter.html#setPaperSource
Thank you Andre and secretNinja. I explain my problem, i have preprinted blank tables and i want to print into the cells, values that a user has entered in LineEdits with user selected font and size, i don't know how to do that with the QPrinter class.
Create a "QPainter":http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qpainter.html on the QPrinter and use it's methods. The linked API docs lists all the relevant methods (drawXXX)
Thank you Volker, i'll try it.