[solved] QtCreator and new "Mobile Qt Application"
Could you check Tools->Options->Tool Chains? Is there a compiler for symbian (GCCE)? There was a bug that it was lost when the settings were migrated to the new format.
If it was you can recreate it: The compiler is located in Symbian/tools/gcc4/bin/arm-symbian*-g++ and the debugger is in pythongdb/pythonVERSION/the-one-with-symbian.
With a tool chain set up the Qt version will become available again.
There was further some issue with versions not being listed, but that effected Qt 4.6.x IIRC. So try the nightly builds;-)
You are right :) I've done exactly this and now I have them listed.
Unfortunately...you were right again...4.6 is not listed in the menu for a new project (but it is listed in Tools->Options->Qt4).
!http://img829.imageshack.us/img829/7346/newpr.png(new problem)!
I have to clone the git repository and compile it to use the nightly builds, haven't I?
Thank you :)
Check the snapshots: http://get.qt.nokia.com/qtcreator/snapshots/
Currently the snapshots are taken from the 2.2 branch. They will swing back to master after 2.2 final is released.
OK...that would be easier. I get the idea for Git from:
bq. The nightly snapshots of the Qt source tree have been replaced by the open Git repositories on ...
"Qt Creator Snapshots":http://qt.nokia.com/developer/qt-snapshots/ -
I'm happy :) Thank you again :)
I have installed the latest nightly build ( 2011-04-14 ) and everything looks right:
!http://img820.imageshack.us/img820/7271/solved.png(solved problem)!
One last question - what was this "Symbian Emulator" from the previous picture? It just couldn't recognize 4.6 correctly or something else?
Do you have a WINSCW tool chain set up? That one is needed for the Symbian Emulator. That compiler is not part of the SDK, so I can not really say where it is. You need to give the mwwinrc.exe binary. There is no debugger available for it.
PS: Do you prefer the new or the old target setup dialog?
Definitely the new one is better - the small pictures, the way the information is presented.
I don't have WINSCW, but in the latest beta there is MinGW ( "MinGW runtime (Provided with QtCreator)" ) and only there is this Symbian Emulator ... this is strange.
The symbian emulator is not part of the SDK. If you did not install the WINSCW compiler yourself then having the emulator show up at some point was most likely a bug.
Then it have to be a bug as it is clearly there in the beta and I haven't install it ... but it seems to be gone in the latest snapshot. In my opinion it isn't needed to be reported. Do you think otherwise?