I want to kown about Carbide tools intergrate situation in QT creator/QML/Nokia Qt SDK/QtQuick
You can register the WINSCW toolchain with Qt Creator (pre 2.2 using Tools->Options->Qt4, one of the fields in the Qt version, 2.2 or later: Tools->Options->Tool Chains, add a new WINSCW toolchain there).
Once that is set up you can add Symbian Simulator targets to your projects.
Does that help?
PS: Note that this is explained in the Qt Creator manual.
Thank you for your answer. Sorry that my previous description is not clear. What I want to know is, do you have any information about those Symbian Analysis tools integration with Qt Creator? Has all those tools now can be or plan to be used in Qt Creator?
For example:
those dynamic analysis tool:
OST(Trace Builder,Trace Monitor,Trace Compiler,Trace Viewer), MemSpy, Analyze Tool, ectthose static analysis tool:
Code Scanner,CMT++,Coverity prevent,ectCan those tools working together with Qt Creator, or is there any plan to integrate those tools in?
bq. -
I never used any of those tools, so I can not comment. What license are those tools under? We can not officially support proprietary tools, so Coverity is most likely out. Some of them might be usable inside creator (it does support external tools after all), but I can not really say which of them are.
There are no plans to integrate anything from Carbide into Creator that I am aware of.