Forum/NodeBB bot to welcome new users + security features (Anti spam etc)
Unsolved webservices
I found that in some other forums (which I think are also based on NodeBB) a "forum bot" greets new users and provides an interface for help/utility. New users need to interact with the bot first before they are able to post/comment or perform any other action...
Would something like this be worth considering for the Qt Forum?
Maybe as additional feature, maybe to lower the spam post restrictions, which have become quite hard and weird... and seem arbitrary and intransparent... nobody knows why a post is blocked while a similar one does get through... while there are still more than enough BTC trade/restore spam posts that make it "live" -
@Pl45m4 as for the posts removal, usually a combo of:
- pseudo promotion
- copy from existing post with links added (often using the edit feature to make it look innocent at first)
- rewrite of an existing message (before adding links)
- answer in the "topic" but out of subject since using a different library/framework
And variants / mix of the above.