ClearCase plugin for Qt Creator
Not without some modifications.
Ideally Creator would just handle all that clearcase magic transparently...
Well, in ClearCase explorer it displays an icon to the right of the original icon (V for checked-out, crossed V for hijacked, none for checked-in). This is an option too...
to the left, pardon me
ClearCase is not on my ToDo list and I maintain the VCS stuff right now.
Feel free to implement a plugin though! Qt Creator is a open source project and you guys obviously are developers or you would not be requesting a plugin;-)
That was my intention from the first place. That wasn't a feature request, but rather a request for information :)
I'll try to do this and see how it goes...
Thanks for all your help.
I'm almost done with the plugin :)I still have a problem - when I do check-in (aka commit), I hold a FileChangeBlocker for the file (it is changed from read-write to read-only), but I still get the "file changed outside Qt Creator" message.
How do I avoid it?
Oh, good question! I think Creator triggers on all changes to the file, even if it is only meta-data... No idea how to get around that.
The problem is with runVCS running synchronously, so notifies aren't blocked. Maybe you should add a real blocker for synchronous operations (e.g. expectFileChanges() should set some variable that will be tested on checkForReload())
About icon overlaying - I found that function in FileIconProvider (works by mime type or extension). Problem is it cannot be replaced with a customized one...
What I'd like to do is use my own FileIconProvider, and use the overlay function to overlay a small status icon (or widen the icon to add a status icon next to it)
Better ask the guys on freenode :)
I hardly use CC nowadays, so my motivation is low ;-)
It looked too complicated, and I wasn't familiar with Creator's codebase.
I guess today I'd use the Git plugin as a reference rather than Subversion too...