Reduce the right space in a context menu
I created the following custom element to personalize a context menu.
// LogoMenuItem.qml import QtQuick import QtQuick.Controls import QtQuick.Layouts MenuItem { id: menuItem verticalPadding: 2 background: Rectangle { color: "transparent" } // Icon sources property string defaultIconSource: "" property string hoverIconSource: "" // Text colors property color defaultTextColor: "white" property color hoverColor: "gray" // Icon size property int iconWidth: 24 property int iconHeight: 24 // Custom contentItem for the MenuItem contentItem: Row { spacing: 8 padding: 5 Image { id: icon source: menuItem.hovered ? menuItem.hoverIconSource : menuItem.defaultIconSource width: menuItem.iconWidth height: menuItem.iconHeight } Text { id: textLabel text: menuItem.text color: menuItem.hovered ? menuItem.hoverColor : menuItem.defaultTextColor "Poppins" font.pixelSize: 17 font.styleName: "normal" font.weight: Font.Light lineHeight: 1.0 verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter } } }
and an usage example:
// LeftToolBar.qml LogoMenuItem { text: qsTr("Exit") defaultIconSource: "qrc:/Resources/images/Launcher/ContextMenu/exit_default.png" hoverIconSource: "qrc:/Resources/images/Launcher/ContextMenu/exit_hover.png" iconWidth: 21 iconHeight: 22 onTriggered: Qt.quit() }
What I wanted to achieve is to show a hover icon when the mouse is hover the item and also avoid showing the classic highlight (the gray rectangle).
It works well, below an image containing 5 LogoMenuItem items :
- "General Settings"
- "Support"
- "Log Out"
- "Mobile App:
- "Exit"
I would like to reduce the right spacing: the distance between the right side of the text (in this case the "General Settings" text) and the right border of the context menu and do it like the left spacing.
Any ideas?
Thanx -
What's the parent of your LogoMenuItems and how do you lay them out? Some code showing that would help.
Have you tried GammaRay? It's useful for debugging items positioning.
@GrecKo below the code showing how the LogoMenuItem is used:
Menu { id: logoMenu x: parent.width - logoMenu.width y: parent.height LogoMenuItem { text: qsTr("General Settings") defaultIconSource: "qrc:/Resources/images/Launcher/ContextMenu/settings_default.png" hoverIconSource: "qrc:/Resources/images/Launcher/ContextMenu/settings_hover.png" iconWidth: 21 iconHeight: 23 } LogoMenuItem { text: qsTr("Support") defaultIconSource: "qrc:/Resources/images/Launcher/ContextMenu/support_default.png" hoverIconSource: "qrc:/Resources/images/Launcher/ContextMenu/support_hover.png" iconWidth: 21 iconHeight: 16 } LogoMenuItem { text: qsTr("Log Out") defaultIconSource: "qrc:/Resources/images/Launcher/ContextMenu/logout_default.png" hoverIconSource: "qrc:/Resources/images/Launcher/ContextMenu/logout_hover.png" iconWidth: 21 iconHeight: 19 } LogoMenuItem { text: qsTr("Mobile App") defaultIconSource: "qrc:/Resources/images/Launcher/ContextMenu/mobile_default.png" hoverIconSource: "qrc:/Resources/images/Launcher/ContextMenu/mobile_hover.png" iconWidth: 17 iconHeight: 24 } LogoMenuItem { text: qsTr("Exit") defaultIconSource: "qrc:/Resources/images/Launcher/ContextMenu/exit_default.png" hoverIconSource: "qrc:/Resources/images/Launcher/ContextMenu/exit_hover.png" iconWidth: 21 iconHeight: 22 onTriggered: Qt.quit() } background: Rectangle { implicitWidth: 220 // Changing this value has no effect color: "#21212D" } } onClicked:
The parent is Menu {}