Qt Creator responds very slow
My QT creator (14.0.2, based on Qt 6.7.3) is very slow to respond when I was editing C++ code. Every letter I type in takes the creator 30 seconds to respond. I have unchecked all options in Edit/Prefereence/C++/Code Mode, but that doesn't help. Any other configurations I can change? Thanks!
Please do create a bug report at https://bugreports.qt.io/secure/CreateIssue.jspa?pid=10512
Don't be shy with the information, the more the merrier.
You can enable the Qt Creator's Screen Recording Plugin install
and do a screen cast, and export as .mp4. You can have two Qt Creator instances, one for screen recording and the other for opening the project.This way we can see how bad the things are 😅
@cristian-adam a bug report has been created and a video uploaded. Thanks!
I can see it at https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTCREATORBUG-32176 Thank you.
Thank you. Please comment there with the details of the computer running. Memory, CPU, etc. Was the project using a remote device and so o.