QtQuick3D rendering issue
First of all hello to everyone it is my first time posting here!
I'm trying to render multiple meshes using QtQuick3D, but as I started to add more complex models which consist of multiple meshes embedded on inside another I saw that there is some kind of depth fighting between meshes that are semi-transparent.-
In the documentation of Default Material I saw that setting the blendMode to DefaultMaterial.Screen would fix that issue and indeed it did but when multiple semi-transparent meshes are overlapping the color is white so it does not work for my case.
The next thing that I tried is setting depthBias property of Model QML Type which also fixes the depth fighting but since my camera is rotating the meshes look different based on the camera position - so again it will not serve my purpouse.
I made a code snippet that showcases this issue:
import QtQuick import QtQuick3D import QtQuick3D.Helpers Item { id: root anchors.fill: parent View3D { id: view3D anchors.fill: parent camera: PerspectiveCamera { id: perspectiveCamera position: Qt.vector3d(0, 10, 200) eulerRotation: Qt.vector3d(0, 0, 0) // Adjust rotation to look at the origin } OrbitCameraController { anchors.fill: parent origin: rootNode camera: perspectiveCamera } DirectionalLight { color: "white" eulerRotation: perspectiveCamera.eulerRotation } Node { id: rootNode Repeater3D { id: meshRepeater model: [ { mesh: "#Sphere", color: Qt.rgba(255/255,100/255,100/255, 1.0), position: Qt.vector3d(-20, 0, 0), depth: 10}, { mesh: "#Sphere", color: Qt.rgba(100/255,255/255,100/255, 1.0), position: Qt.vector3d(0, 0, 20), depth: 20}, { mesh: "#Sphere", color: Qt.rgba(100/255,100/255,255/255, 1.0), position: Qt.vector3d(20, 0, 0), depth: 30}, ] delegate: Model { source: modelData.mesh scale: Qt.vector3d(1, 1, 1) position: modelData.position // depthBias: modelData.depth materials: [ DefaultMaterial { diffuseColor: modelData.color opacity: 0.5 // blendMode: DefaultMaterial.Screen } ] } } } } }
I suspect that the issue is linked to the part that there is no depth peeling, I tried this same example with VTK library and it does not happen. Can I resolve this with some kind of a Custom Material? The example in the pictures is caused by minimal movement, if someone is interested I can provide a video. Any help or clue is welcomed, thank you!
Hi, there has recently been some improvements in OIT in Qt 6.9, see https://doc-snapshots.qt.io/qt6-dev/qml-qtquick3d-sceneenvironment.html#oitMethod-prop . I suggest you try it out when the 6.9 beta is released next week.
@Jonas-Karlsson Thank you a lot, I will try it out.
@Jonas-Karlsson I tried it and it works on a desktop app! However it seems that it is not yet supported by the WebGL - it does not work on a WebAssembly application. Let me know if you have any more ideas and if not I will close this as resolved since it is probably not related anymore to Qt.
It's probably not supported on WebGL since it requires MRT and per rendertarget blending.