How to locate an image in a specific cell of a grid?
Hi, I'm trying to draw chess pieces in the right squares of a 8x8 grid created (obviously?) with the Grid element. I can't find the way to tell the image to be drawn in a specific square, though. There is the 'index' value that will be assigned to all cells from 0 to 63, but then I can't find out the syntax to define "cell 12 at chessboardGrid" as the parent of a specific piece.
See the code that I'm using so far:
@ Image {
id: imageBoard
source: "chessboard.svg" opponentZone.bottom
width: parent.width
fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
}Grid { id: chessboardGrid columns: 8 rows: 8 anchors.fill: imageBoard Repeater { model: 64 Rectangle { color: "transparent" border.width: 1 // only for testing, must be 0 width: 60 // FIXME there must be a way not to hardcode this height: 60 // FIXME there must be a way not to hardcode this } } Image { id: whiteRook1 source: "white/rook.svg" parent: chessboardGridFIXME // How to place this rook in a specific square } }@
With Qt Quick 1.1 (which comes with Qt 4.8) you can call itemAt() on the Repeater object to get the item at a particular index.
(In QtQuick 1.0 / Qt 4.7.x you can access the children of the Grid through Item::children() but this is not as straightforward because Repeater automatically adds other child objects, so the children() list may not always return what you expect.)
Hi blam, sorry for not answering before but I was trying to put my code together to explain my progress.
Due to other reasons I decided to use ListModel + GridView instead. Locating items in a GridView was not evident either, but at least I could use a trick to manipulate the squares of the chess board that interested me:
First a variable is defined:
@Item { id: moveFrom; property Item pieceSelected }@
Then whenever a specific delegate needs to be identified, the value is extracted and assigned to the variable:
@moveFrom.pieceSelected = squareWrapper@
You can find this code in its context "here": (lines 172 and 275).
This allows to change properties of the specific delegate (e.g. from color blue to transparent - line 304).
Still, a plain delegate id with a syntax like 'delegate.index' or similar would be nice. The previous tricks has limitations, like changing the state of a specific delegate. If someone know better ways I will be happy learning more about them.