Installing Qt4 SDK for use with Eric
Hi All,
I have a problem.
I want to use the Qt4 Designer with Eric. If I install qt4-designer using apt-get, eric finds and opens the Qt-Designer just fine, but Qt-Designer does not give me the webkit widgets with this method of install.
If I download and install the Qt SDK, I do get the webkit widgets, but Eric is not able to locate Qt Designer.
I have tried to install the SDK, then rename the designer application to designer-qt4 and replace the app created by installing Qt Designer with apt-get, but this still does not give me the webkit widgets.
What do I need to do? Can anyone help me, I already spent the best part of 10 hours on this problem.
SimonEdit: Remember QT is QuickTime....USE Qt!!!!!
Well some place to start :
- what/who is eric ?
- what platform are you working on ? apt-get seems ubuntu/debian flavour, but which one ?
And it seems more like an "eric" issue than a Qt one from an external point of view...
Eric is the a Python IDE. It uses QT for the development of GUI's which are then translated to python code with PYQT.
I am working on Ubuntu 10.10
I know that this may be an Eric issue, however I have not been able to find any Eric forums to post this issue on and I know that many users who use Eric will use QT Designer and may frequent these forums.
Hope someone is able to point me in the right direction.