QtCreator 2.1 autocomplete
I have downloaded an Qt Creator 2.1, but auto complete doesn't work for standard library. I have MinGw that I have downloaded from mingw web site.
#include <string>int main() {
std:: // string type doesn't appear, but it appears if I press Ctrl + Space without std:: .
std::string v;
v. // Here also nothing is appeared.
Please let me know if I describe the problem not clearly. I can send screenshots.Regards,
DaniilEdit: Remember QT is QuickTime, use tag @ for code
Try "using namespace std;" before main.
I tried. It works this case
string mystr = "hello, world";
mystr. // auto complete worksBut still doesn't work when
std::string mystr = "hello, world";
mystr. // auto complete don't work.std:: // auto complete don't work.
Is it a bug? I am not sure but previous version of qtcreator seems worked.
Better file a bug report on http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com