Cross-compilation for Jetson orin nx
I am trying to cross compile for jetson baord (aarch linux system). And till now i followed the steps given by the nvidia developers and i have added kit for aarch in qt. Now, i am getting this error while compiling
11:39:08: Running steps for project untitled5...
11:39:08: Starting: "/home/ubuntu/jetson/home/ubuntu/Qt/6.7.2/gcc_arm64/bin/qmake" /home/ubuntu/untitled5/ -spec linux-g++ CONFIG+=qtquickcompiler
Project ERROR: failed to parse default include paths from compiler output
11:39:08: The process "/home/ubuntu/jetson/home/ubuntu/Qt/6.7.2/gcc_arm64/bin/qmake" exited with code 3.
Error while building/deploying project untitled5 (kit: Jetson_Orin_NX)
When executing step "qmake"
11:39:08: Elapsed time: 00:00.can you resolve this issue?
Please don't post the same question multiple times:
I'm closing this one now.
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