Can't find QDeclarativeView in QtCreator: Design mode
[quote author="ZapB" date="1300191829"]Yeah, you should be able to promote a QGraphicsView I think.[/quote]
It doesn't really matter what widget you choose to promote. Any widget from the hierarchy should work:
QGraphicsView, QAbstractScrollArea, QFrame, or QWidget. The only thing is, that the closer the widget is to the widget you will be using there, the more the preview looks like the end result (and I think the more properties you can set using designer and expect them to work, but I am not even sure about that aspect). -
Hmmm...that's strange. I'm running QtCreator 2.1.0 and the only widgets available for me in the "DisplayWidgets" group are:
"Text Browser"
"Graphics View"
"LCD Number"
"Progress Bar"
"Horizontal Line"
"Vertical Line"
"QWebView"Have you installed any "add-on" packages for QtCreator? I downloaded the Qt SDK 1.1 Beta and nothing else.
Bubbas, then something is very wrong with your Creator setup. By default, Creator has many more widgets. The above is not even enough for a very basic label + line edit + button form!
You should probably take care of that first. And those widgets don't come out of "add-on" packages for Creator either, they should be there by default.
There are a lot more widgets present in the Creator I have installed. However, under the tab "DisplayWidgets" there are only the ones I mentioned in my previous post. There are a lot of other tabs where a lot of other widgets are present (e.g. "Input Widgets", "Containers", "Buttons" etc. etc).
The only widget missing is the "QDeclarativeView".
my QtCreator too hasn't QDeclarativeView. Are you sure to see QDeclarativeView "object" ?
What OS are you using? I'm using Linux QtSDK 1.1.3 .To use QDeclarativeView in QtCreator I promoted a QGraphicsView but there is a problem.
I have a very simple QML file:
import QtQuick 1.0
import Qt 4.7
Rectangle {
// color: "lightblue"
width: 400; height: 400
Component {
id: riepilogo_delegate
Rectangle {
id: item
width: list.width; height: 100
Column {
anchors.fill: parent
Text { text: descrizione_estesa; anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter }
Text {
id: valore_dato; text: valore; anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
}} } ListView { id: list boundsBehavior: Flickable.DragAndOvershootBounds anchors.fill: parent model: riepilogoSatelliteModel delegate: riepilogo_delegate flickableDirection: Flickable.AutoFlickDirection }
@It works but using a QDeclarativeView promoted from QtCreator seems to disable the "Flickable" ability while if I create the QDeclarativeView with:
dw = new QDeclarativeView(this);
the flicking is enabled... -
I also checked that flicking isn't enable with:
dw = new QDeclarativeView(QString("qrc:myqml.qml"), this);
QGridLayout *gl = new QGridLayout(ui->declarativeBaseWidget);
where ui->declarativeBaseWidget is a QWidget added from QtCreator...