How to use a dll function
what I want is to write functions essaduas delphi for Qt, they were written within a dll. I would like to create a dll with these functions and add to my project and make use of functions. they lit externally. understand?
@function ReadString(lpAddress:DWORD):string;
i: Cardinal;
Result := ''; // Inicia o resultado como nulo, caso não exista nada nesse address.
for i := 0 to 65535 do begin // Começa o loop
if PBYTE(lpAddress)^ = 0 then Break; // Se o primeiro byte for 0 (sem caracteres), sai do loop.
Result := Result + Chr(PBYTE(lpAddress)^); // Retorno da função = Retorno (caso já esteja depois do segundo loop + Caractere resultante do Chr (que retorna um caractere de um código ASCII especificado).
Inc(lpAddress); // Vai pro próximo caractere/byte.
end;procedure WriteByte(lpAddress:DWORD;Value:Byte);
PBYTE(lpAddress)^ := Value; // O conteúdo do pointer definido no parâmetro "lpAddress", em byte, vai ser igual ao definido no parâmetro "Value".
@ -
Ok, so it really is about making use of an external .dll in a Qt application. What about Gerolfs contribution above isn't clear in this context? The point is that you need to make sure you export your application in a way that makes reuse from another application in another language possible. How you do that, is not Qt specific but something you need to look into for delphi.
No, you can use external dll's in Qt (or any other C++) applications. However, that dll needs to meet certain criteria, depending on the way you wish to use that dll. Gerolf talked about these criteria, and I suggest you search in dephi resources how to achieve this. The keyword to search for is exporting functions.
[quote author="aldoduju" date="1300650793"]and changed the focus, I noticed that it is easier to make the dll in the same Qt.
I wonder what kind of data to corespondete (Cardinal of Delphi) to Qt?
From this posting, I gather that aldoduju has changed his mind, and now instead of wanting to use a delphi-build dll in a Qt program, now wants to port his code to Qt and build the dll in Qt.