Auto adding definition and mutator method
Andre: We try to process MRs as fast as possible, but sometimes they do stall:-( The people doing the reviews are the developers that work on creator. Unfortunately we all are rather swamped with work... We try to keep up, but some MRs fall through the cracks, others are reviewed but awaiting action by the submitters. Gitorious does not send notification on updates to MRs, so sending a mail to the reviewer does help getting your MRs through the review faster.
Feel free to send me a message if you feel your MR did not get the attention it deserved. I'm happy to poke my coworkers;-)
Schneidi: Quickfixes should just be a couple of lines of code, no need to put those into a separate plugin.
Tobias, I understand that you do, and I wasn't talking about Creator either but about Qt proper. Perhaps the smaller group working on Creator is a bit more agile and processes merge requests faster. I have no experience with that. I hope the situation will improve for Qt itself too with the implementation of the Open Governance strategy.
Andre: Our track record in Qt Creator is unfortunately not perfect, either:-(
All of us here hope to see open governance asap! It will make things so much easier for us!
Good news: Just noticed that Qt Creator 2.2 will have support to implement getters and setters based in a Q_PROPERTY.
We still have a few too many bugs open against the 2.2 branch to release a Qt Creator 2.2 beta, but we are working on those right now.
Andre: Actually it was mentioned in the changelog for 2.2.0:-) I was asked to add my changes there, so I had to read it.
The nightly builds are currently using the 2.2 branch as far as I know. So that should be a fast way to test the branch. It is not beta-release ready at this time, but it is rather stable already and the version most of us currently use to develop Qt Creator in.