Digia to buy Qt licensing business from Nokia
Does this mean Nokia sold the commercial copyright or is Digia now only the point of sale for Nokia? -
It seems like the later: Nokia no longer wanting to deal with the commercial customers itself.
I am wondering what the results of this will be, really. If the organization selling Qt licences is no longer responsible for Qt's development, it seems to me the lines between the customers needs and the developers responsible will get longer.
See also Sebastian Nystrom's blog article "Nokia and Digia working together to grow the Qt community ":http://blog.qt.nokia.com/2011/03/07/nokia-and-digia-working-together/ on this topic.
Sebastian Nyström of Nokia today cleared things in his blog post "Qt and Digia, facts and fiction":http://blog.qt.nokia.com/2011/03/14/qt-and-digia-facts-and-fiction/.
Important quote for this discussion is
bq. Nokia will continue to invest in the development of Qt, continues to hold the copyright and will continue to publish Qt under an open source license benefitting the whole community.