Application without window decoration
Hi to all,
Is possible to set an application (working as application in desktop environments) so this appear to the user like a widget, without windows decorations, or the only way to do this is to change this app in a widget ?
Hi, it is possible, but I don't know. I'm totally new to this aspect of the application and seeing the class name it should be. Do you know where I can find some examples about ?
Qt::FramelessWindowHint is your friend.
On windows, that means there is no border (--> no resize via mouse), no title, no min/max/close buttons, no sys menu, no title bar. This includes difficult behavior in the task bar (sys menu!) and that maximize means full screen (100% screen, no task bar etc).
Thank you very much!!!
I try to setup this under QML then I post the answer. Soon this week the app should be under distribution.