Icons are not visible when installing Qt application on end user machine(Windows) Why?
Standard Qt SDK contains a number of plugins you may not be aware of. Check the $QTDIR/plugins directory.
What is the type of image you use? How do you reference the icons in your code? Did you use designer or do you hand code them? Did you use the correct path -- it is possible to forget the : and still have the icons in your development build due to amazingly conveniently coincidentally similarly named paths.
Thank you very much for your reply
I do not know did not hear that there is need for additional plugin so as to add ans see icons
I add my icons in Qt Designer, before that I add them to resource file
The path is ok while I compile and launch the application on machine when it built and I see icons in there places when I've put them while developing?
A put .exe, .rcc and dlls to end user and I see no icons? -
I have tried also to deploy with dlls from plugins/codecs , plugins/imageformats, plugins/iconengines but still I can't see icons
I can see only when I install full Qt SDK and I deploy to qt/bin directory
But we understand the end user should not install full Qt SDK so as to use application
why such a problem?> -
Closed thread due to duplicate post.
Please follow up in http://developer.qt.nokia.com/forums/viewthread/3909/
Crossposting is not welcome in this forum (as it is in most other sites). Accept the rules - they are well chosen, you will not change them by arguing anyways. If you need explanations: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=crossposting+bad
Just merged the two identical threads into one.
If you do not have installed the imageformat plugins correctly, your application is not able to display them (nor any other jpeg, png or ico image).
You must maintain the directory hierarchy of the plugins like in the Qt install dir and you might want to add the plugin dir to the library path (use "QCoreApplication::addLibraryPath() ":http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7-snapshot/qcoreapplication.html#addLibraryPath).
I deployed today with /plugins/imageformats folder
It works only when I deploy may application exe, main Qt dlls as I mentioned and imageformats folder on windows
Also I looked at Process Monitor output for my application and I see there that my application uses also QtSVG4.dll, QtXML4.dll but I think it is because resources are in xml format...
How can I deploy on MacOS, Ubuntu, Symbian , Maemo?
Pavel -
[quote author="Pavel Mazniker" date="1298289603"]Hello
I deployed today with /plugins/imageformats folder
It works only when I deploy may application exe, main Qt dlls as I mentioned and imageformats folder on windows[/quote]Yes. Everyone told you exactly this.
[quote author="Pavel Mazniker" date="1298289603"]Also I looked at Process Monitor output for my application and I see there that my application uses also QtSVG4.dll, QtXML4.dll but I think it is because resources are in xml format...
[quote author="Pavel Mazniker" date="1298289603"]How can I deploy on MacOS, Ubuntu, Symbian , Maemo?
Pavel[/quote]Read the docs, search the forum and wiki, ask google and come back with actual questions.
For OS X: the docs provide sufficient information.
For Ubuntu: create a deb.
For Symbian, Maemo: have a look at forum nokia and the docs for the respective platform.
Thank you all
I succeed to deploy on Win7 using your advices
I currently work on deploying to another platforms
creating .sis installerhttp://realvirtualdevelopment.co.nr
Hi, I'm sorry to bring up this old topic.
I had the same problem and thanks to this thread I've fixed my icons. :)
However I need to know if there is a way to determine which plugins EXACTLY does my application require, so i don't have to include all the plugins in my installation package?
Thank you in advance!