Question around internationalization in QML
Good to know I am not the only one struggling through it. Let me know if you find a good solution.
May I suggest filing a bugreport in "Jira": I considder it a bug that dynamic translation doesn't work with QDeclarativeView.
Great idea!
It kind of makes sense to me that it wouldn't be translated. e.g.
id: myTxt
text: qsTr("Translate Me")
@When the above Text is created, qsTr() is script code that gets executed. The result is assigned to myTxt.text. So when a new translation is installed, there's no new script to be executed. However, there needs to be a mechanism to retranslate when a QEvent::LanguageChange is posted.
Turns out there was already a bug filed for this:
And someone just posted a great suggestion for a workaround. I have verified it in my application:
Text {
text: qsTr("Translate Me") + rootItem.emptyString
@By binding "text:" to another property, the whole expression will be reevaluated whenever the property emptyString changes.
In my case rootItem is a QObject that is installed with setContextProperty()
My rootItem has:
Q_PROPERTY(QString emptyString READ getEmptyString NOTIFY languageChanged)
In my method that installs a new QM translation file, I end with:
emit languageChanged();
The method getNullString() just returns "" so it doesn't effect the display of the text.
A better solution still needs to be resolved by the Trolls, but this will work until that time.
Matt -
Basically, your code should look similar to this. Post your C++ code if this doesn't help.
class MyClass : public QObject
Q_PROPERTY(QString emptyString READ getEmptyString NOTIFY languageChanged)QString getEmptyString() { return ""; }
Q_INVOKABLE void selectLanguage(QString language) {
// Install QTranslator. See Docs for details
emit languageChanged();
int main(argc, argv) {QDeclarativeView view;
MyClass myObj;
...view.rootContext()->setContextProperty("rootItem", (QObject *)&myObj);
@The selectLanguage() method installs a new QTranslator in the application. It then emits languageChanged(). All QML Text { } elements that use rootItem.emptyString in their text binding will receive a "NOTIFY" signal causing the qsTr("....") to be reevaluated using the new QTranslator. Because rootItem.emptyString is just "" (an empty string), it will alter the text in your GUI.
Please post your code if you have more questions.
Matt -
This code works, thank you. I had the same problem, but this method solved it.
Waiting for more elegant solution - without adding any "empty strings"... ;)
Another approach would be to clear the engine's internal cache and set the main qml file again. clearComponentCache() forces all components to be reloaded, so there is no need for the emptyString property.
side note: clearComponentCache() is also nice for dynamic qml loading without restarting your application. It really speeds qml development up.
QDeclarativeView view;
void languageChange ( QString qsLanguage )
// install the translator here. See Qt docs about it// Now do: view.engine()->clearComponentCache ( ); view.setSource(QUrl::fromLocalFile ("apps_main.qml"));
[/code] -
Hi,, How to achieve your method can you explain bit detail