How to make brackground transparent
setAutoFillBackground didn't simply work.
WA_NoBackground was obsolete and the successor WA_OpaquePaintEvent said in opposite way, and didn't work either.
WA_NoSystemBackground and WA_TranslucentBackground ended up with a little bit repainting issue, since it never automatically updated newly exposed area, for instance. Then the tough part would turn to that I have to paint everything underneath the widget.If memory severed me, QFrame is by default transparent, don't know how it get that.
[quote author="Gerolf" date="1295255973"]You can try, setting these attributes on the widget:
additionally, you could set setAutoFillbackground(false).[/quote]
its little bit old, but the problem seems to be still up to date.
if you use
its working pretty good, but the "Scroll Bar" is getting transparent too,
making it pretty hard to scroll.if someone knows how to fix it, please post.
my fault, I didnt
#include <qscrollbar.h>@scroll_gunshop->verticalScrollBar()->setStyleSheet("background-color:red");@
but there is still a little "pattern" in there.
the part where the scroll bar is not covered.
but looks almost perfect.
€ or maybe this is just the normal "natural" scroll bar pattern
if you use white it's gone. -
You can customize everything in the scrollbar just by using css... try taking a look "here": and try out different css commands...
hope this will be helpful to you
setAttribute(Qt::WA_TranslucentBackground); setAttribute(Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground,false); setWindowFlags(Qt::FramelessWindowHint); setStyleSheet("font-weight:bold;color:white;" "background-color: rgba(0,0,0,80%);" "font: bold 20px;" "font-weight:bold;" );