How to set the QTabWidget background image when there is not any widget page
@Hanson said in How to set the QTabWidget background image when there is not any widget page:
@JonB And the left side QTabWidget has nothing to do with this question.
That's really helpful to say now, it's as clear as mud! I previously asked for clarification.
So, I don't know, did you try setting the
itself's background instead of that for any "pages"? -
An empty tab doesn’t show anything, neither does an empty widget, as @JonB said.
If you want to show an image to represent an empty default, populate the empty tab with a label that shows the desired image. -
@Axel-Spoerl said in How to set the QTabWidget background image when there is not any widget page:
populate the empty tab
My impression is that OP is saying the
has 0 tabs.
In that situation I'm not even sure what area theQTabWidget
occupies, it may not even be the red frame area shown in the pic? -
@JonB I thought the same thing, so I made this MRE based on what I guess OP needs:
//this is a container widget QWidget *w = new QWidget(); QVBoxLayout *l = new QVBoxLayout(w); QPushButton *b = new QPushButton("add",w); QPushButton *b1 = new QPushButton("remove",w); QTabWidget *t = new QTabWidget(w); //here I'm setting QTableWidget background image before it is displayed t->setStyleSheet("background-image: url(:/green.png);"); l->addWidget(b); l->addWidget(b1); l->addWidget(t); //here I'm making it detect when all tabs are removed so It can set a background image when it's empty t->connect(t,&QTabWidget::currentChanged, [=]() { if(t->currentIndex()==-1) t->setStyleSheet("background-image: url(:/green.png);"); else t->setStyleSheet(""); }); //these are just buttons I used to add and remove tabs b->connect(b,&QPushButton::clicked, [=]() { t->addTab(new QWidget(),"Tab"); }); b1->connect(b1,&QPushButton::clicked, [=]() { t->removeTab(t->count()-1); }); w->show();
Here's how it functions:
@Hanson could you take a look at it, and answer the previous questions to clarify what you need?
@Hanson I guess Tab1 and Tab2 are QTabWidget.
auto page2 = new QWidget( this );
tabWidget->addTab( page2, QString( "Tab2" ) );
You create a widget and set it as Tab2.If you have created page2,
auto page2 = tabWidget->widget( 1 );Then set a picture with stylesheet for icon_name.
page2->setStyleSheet(QStringLiteral("border-image: url(:/resources/images/%1)").arg( icon_name ) ); -
This post is deleted!
Thanks to everyone who answered.You really help me a lot.And Finally I found a solution what I want.
I found that the emptyQTabWidget
contains aQStackedWidget
.QList<QWidget*> widgets = ui->tabWidget_2->findChildren<QWidget*>(); for (auto wid : widgets) { auto meta = wid->metaObject(); qDebug() << meta->className(); qDebug() << wid->objectName(); qDebug() << "=============="; }
And there is the output
QStackedWidget "qt_tabwidget_stackedwidget" ============== QTabBar "qt_tabwidget_tabbar" ============== QToolButton "" ============== QToolButton "" ==============
So I write a qss like this, and it really works.
QTabWidget>QStackedWidget#qt_tabwidget_stackedwidget { background-image: url(:/img/background.png); }
With @Bonnie suggestion, it works perfectly.
@Bonnie said in How to set the QTabWidget background image when there is not any widget page:
for every widget added to the tabwidget, set autoFillBackground to true.
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