Qt Mobility 1.1.0 installation help
Here is the link...
http://qt.nokia.com/downloads/windows-cppjust install it :)
ok I am still having problems in installing QtMobility 1.1.0. Here is the "link":http://rapidshare.com/files/440103701/installing-qtmobility.avi
for a video in which i install QtMobility 1.1.0. Please watch it and tell me where am I making mistake. Or where are the errors and how can i solve it.And here is the "link":http://rapidshare.com/files/440105414/afterInstalling.avi of a video after installing QtMobility 1.1.0 and testing it in QtCreator
When installing on a mac, I had these errors:
@ld: warning: directory '/Developer/Applications/Qt/plugins/Library/Frameworks' following -L not found
ld: warning: directory '/tmp/qt-stuff-6474/source/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0/lib' following -L not found
ld: warning: directory '/Developer/Applications/Qt/plugins/Library/Frameworks' following -F not found
ld: warning: directory '/tmp/qt-stuff-6474/source/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0/lib' following -F not found
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
"QtMobility::QBluetoothServiceDiscoveryAgent::QBluetoothServiceDiscoveryAgent(QObject*)", referenced from:
Discoverer::serviceDiscovery() in servicediscovery.o
"QtMobility::QBluetoothServiceDiscoveryAgent::start(QtMobility::QBluetoothServiceDiscoveryAgent::DiscoveryMode)", referenced from:
Discoverer::serviceDiscovery() in servicediscovery.o
"QtMobility::QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent::QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent(QObject*)", referenced from:
Discoverer::deviceDiscovery() in devicediscovery.o
"QtMobility::QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent::start()", referenced from:
Discoverer::deviceDiscovery() in devicediscovery.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
ld: warning: directory '/Developer/Applications/Qt/plugins/Library/Frameworks' following -L not found
ld: warning: directory '/tmp/qt-stuff-6474/source/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0/lib' following -L not found
ld: warning: directory '/Developer/Applications/Qt/plugins/Library/Frameworks' following -F not found
ld: warning: directory '/tmp/qt-stuff-6474/source/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0/lib' following -F not found
Undefined symbols for architecture i386:
"QtMobility::QBluetoothServiceDiscoveryAgent::QBluetoothServiceDiscoveryAgent(QObject*)", referenced from:
Discoverer::serviceDiscovery() in servicediscovery.o
"QtMobility::QBluetoothServiceDiscoveryAgent::start(QtMobility::QBluetoothServiceDiscoveryAgent::DiscoveryMode)", referenced from:
Discoverer::serviceDiscovery() in servicediscovery.o
"QtMobility::QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent::QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent(QObject*)", referenced from:
Discoverer::deviceDiscovery() in devicediscovery.o
"QtMobility::QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent::start()", referenced from:
Discoverer::deviceDiscovery() in devicediscovery.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture i386
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
lipo: can't open input file: /var/folders/ni/nicf53WVEO4Xcp5huoo1cU+++TI/-Tmp-//ccvqsLTH.out (No such file or directory)
make[3]: *** [../../../../bin/connectivity.app/Contents/MacOS/connectivity] Error 1
make[2]: *** [sub-connectivity-make_default] Error 2
make[1]: *** [sub-src-snippets-make_default] Error 2
make: *** [sub-doc-make_default-ordered] Error 2
@ -
It would seem really beneficial to me for someone to make an installer for Qt Mobility. Is this feasible?
hi there,
well I think it is not the best way to solve this, but for me simple copy of@<path_to>\QtSDK112\Simulator\Qt\mingw\imports\QtMultimediaKit@
worked.After that application output says:
@QDeclarativeImports(qrc:/qml/QML/VideoPlayback.qml)::addImport: "QtMultimediaKit" 1.1 Library as ""
QDeclarativeImports(qrc:/qml/QML/VideoPlayback.qml::importExtension: loaded "C:/temp/Qt/4.7.1/imports/QtMultimediaKit/qmldir"
QDeclarativeImportDatabase::importPlugin: "QtMultimediaKit" from "C:/temp/Qt/4.7.1/imports/QtMultimediaKit/declarative_multimedia.dll"@cheers
simon:) -
I am facing similar issue "module "QtMultimediaKit" is not installed " on Centos Linux. I have my libs ,imports and plugins in /usr/local/lib on my embedded target
I have the following env variables set
export QT_PLUGIN_PATH="/usr/local/lib/plugins"
export QML_IMPORT_PATH="/usr/local/lib/imports"In Imports Folder, i have the following
ls /usr/local/lib/imports
ls /usr/local/lib/imports/QtMultimediaKit/
libdeclarative_multimedia.so qmldir
ls /usr/local/lib/plugins/
accessible imageformats playlistformats webkit
bearer kbddrivers qmltooling
gfxdrivers mediaservice script
iconengines mousedrivers sqldrivers
I tried with the following qml
import Qt 4.7
import QtMultimediaKit 1.1
Rectangle {
id: page
width: 300; height:200
color: "lightgray"Text { id: helloText text: "Hello world!" y: 30 anchors.horizontalCenter: page.horizontalCenter font.pointSize: 10; font.bold: true }
Audio {
id: playMusic
source: "audio.wav"
MouseArea {
id: playArea
anchors.fill: parent
onPressed: { playMusic.play() }
In the PRO file , I have the following
QT += declarative multimedia
+CONFIG += mobility
+MOBILITY = multimedia
Inspite all these changes I am seeing the issue "module "QtMultimediaKit" is not installed".
QT - v4.7.4
Mobility - v1.2Can Anyone help me what has gone wrong ?
@srav219: Did you find your solution? I am having the same problem as you. It works when I run on my Ubuntu desktop, but it does not run on my embedded target device (Angstrom). I can build (cross compile) it just find on my host machine, but running on the target does not work. Please help! Thanks,