How to bind TextInput.text to QString property in two ways?
take a look at this example on forum nokia: "":
Thank you but this does not help because it is just an alternate way to do the part that already works. I want the C++ lineedit to be updated from the QML one. And I actually want to do it in a declarative way and not an imperative way.
QML currently only supports "one-way" bindings. You can use the "Binding": element if you want to bind lineEdit.text to the text of the TextInput as well.
import Qt 4.7
Rectangle {
width: 240
height: 320TextInput { id: input text: lineEdit.text anchors.fill: parent } Binding { target: lineEdit property: "text" value: input.text }
Michael -
Thank you. This is exactly the information I was looking for.
[quote author="njeisecke" date="1305030760"]Hi,
Doing this will generate a console warning:
QML TextInput: Binding loop detected for property "text"
It works nevertheless but I don't like warnings.
Any ideas?
[/quote]Hi Nils,
Is it the exact snippet above (with a QLineEdit in C++) you are testing or something else?
Typically this warning is avoided via the C++ implementation of the setter, e.g. setText() will be implemented to only emit the NOTIFY signal if the property actually changes. I thought in this case both TextInput and QLineEdit would have done this, though (so there might be something else at play here that I've missed).
Michael -
Are you suggesting that Qt Quick is at runtime able to analyze if the (C++) objects block emitting a changed signal if you set the same value on a property? And that they only should give the Binding Loop warning if they don't block the signal? That would be pretty cool! But I think that is unlikely. I think it is a warning because it can not be detected if the signal is emitted. If it could, it would (should) be an error instead.
Hi Michael,
my setter was on the c++ side and indeed wrongly implemented (stupid me).
With an implementation like this everything works as expected:
void MyObject::setValue(const QString &value)
// this avoids the (absolutely correct) warning
if (m_value == value)
return;m_value = value;
emit valueChanged():
@So actually there seems to be some runtime analysis. Cool ;-)