QML charts api
yea. but I was thinking to make it with some animated transitions and some eye-candy :D
[quote author="Andre" date="1297613877"]Wouldn't it make sense to wrap an existing qt charts library for use with QML? No need to re-do the actual chart rendering, is there?[/quote]
[quote author="geronik" date="1297322779"]The current paint model in qml is based on QGraphicsView, which may replaced by the graphscene in the future. The question is if this is true, then what's gonna happen to previously extended-user-custom qml elements?[/quote]
You'll almost certainly need to port them. We'll try to make porting a QDeclarativeItem subclass to the scene graph as painless as possible (for example, we might try to offer an item that allows QPainter-based painting, which is cached to a pixmap). For something with lots of drawing (like graphing), it may be to your advantage to rewrite those bits when the time comes, to take advantage of the performance boosts that scenegraph should provide.
Michael -
don't know how long it will take until scene graph is ready, but you are free to start the charts project
[quote author="geronik" date="1299158941"]Waiting for scene graph.. and how long is that? Scene graph porting could be not such a difficult task, and I suppose Trolls will do it quite easy for us. I am in for the graph charts api..[/quote]
I have a reasonable Qt Charting component already and I am looking at adding QML support to it soon. See this "thread":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/forums/viewthread/4209/
[quote author="ZapB" date="1299169271"]I have a reasonable Qt Charting component already and I am looking at adding QML support to it soon. See this "thread":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/forums/viewthread/4209/[/quote]
Very nice job, it really looks great..
[quote author="geronik" date="1299228355"]
Very nice job, it really looks great..
[/quote]Thank you. Is there anything missing from what I have shown that would be useful to you in a charting component?
I am still thinking about how to add various levels of interactivity to the plots.