need suggestions for transition/animation of banner
Hi all -
Under some circumstances, my app will display a banner across the screen, displacing (downward) the remainder of the display. Currently, I just toggle its visibility based on business logic, and it functions correctly, but the appearance/disappearance is a bit sudden.
I'd welcome suggestions for making the banner appearance a bit more...graceful. Any suggestions?
You can make it slide using NumberAnimation or AnchorAnimation
@sierdzio thanks for the suggestions. I've tried the AnchorAnimation (pretty much just copying the example on the page you linked), and there's no visible time lag to that one -- it just appears immediately. I'm not sure how to apply a NumberAnimation to a boolean property (visible) -- I've seen some attempts on SO, but they're not what I had in mind. I tried applying the NumberAnimation to the height property, but that doesn't show any visible animation either.
What I'd like is if the rectangle could "unfurl," preferably from top to bottom, and gradually displace the items below it. So far, though, I haven't been able to figure out how to do this.
@mzimmers here, a quick example on how I would do it with the
Window { id:root visible: true width: 640 height: 480 title: qsTr("test") Item { id: mainItem anchors.fill: parent Rectangle { id:banner anchors{ left: parent.left right: parent.right } y: -height Behavior on y { NumberAnimation { duration: 500 } } height: mainItem.height * 0.2 property bool isOpen: y == 0 color: "darkred" function open() { banner.y = 0 } function close () { banner.y = -height } } Button{ anchors{ left:parent.left right: parent.right bottom: parent.bottom } height: 60 text: "Toggle Banner" onClicked: banner.isOpen ? banner.close() : } } }
@J-Hilk this is a good start. I modified your idea to work off of height rather than y, to preserve the banner's positioning within a ColumnLayout:
Item { // this Item is within a ColumnLayout. id: banner property int bannerHeight: 80 height: (opMode.mode === OpModes.Service) || (navBar.tabIndex === 3) ? bannerHeight : 0 Layout.fillWidth: true Rectangle { id: rect anchors.fill: parent Behavior on height { NumberAnimation { duration: 500 } } color: 'red' RowLayout { visible: (banner.height === bannerHeight) // some stuff in here } } }
The banner appears and disappears now, but when it appears, it overlays, rather than displaces, the next item in the ColumnLayout. Any idea why that might be happening?
Ah, so you have this within a layout, that's going to interfere with manually changing x, y and sizes. Try changing and animating
instead ofheight
. -
@sierdzio yes, that seemed to fix it.
Item { id: banner property int bannerHeight: 80 implicitHeight: (opMode.mode === OpModes.Service) || (navBar.tabIndex === 3) ? bannerHeight : 0 Behavior on implicitHeight { NumberAnimation { duration: 250 } } Layout.fillWidth: true Rectangle { id: rect anchors { left: parent.left right: parent.right } implicitHeight: parent.implicitHeight ... } }
I think I need to apply a similar animation to the opacity of the contents of the Rectangle (a couple lines of text and a Button), but I get the principle now.
Thanks to all for the help.