Interesting Article on Nokia
- is the place to be tomorrow morning. (ref
And following should keep you up to speed :)
So what happens now with Qt?
No words about Qt in the "official press release":
It's fun - - Microsoft development tools will be used to create applications to run on Nokia Windows Phones, allowing developers to easily leverage the ecosystem’s global reach.
"A Letter to Developers about Today's News":
Sorry ... but at the first place, Qt was targeting Crossplatform Desktop : Linux, Windows, Mac... Then Trolltech go to embeded ... Then Nokia buy Trolltech :
- It was not for the desktop part, A few years latter : Ovi Suite works only on Windows (I guess based on .net!!!!), there is no Linux or Mac Ovi suite.
- So it was for mobile part : since few month it was clear that the target was Symbian + Meego
See post :
-> And now Symbian is for low end market (and will die smooothly ...) , Meego is a research project !!!!.. It's clear in the news of today that Nokia dev apps will have to use .net framework ... So I suppose that desktop part will be .net also ...
I suppose now that the license Paid by Qt developper is very low (LGPL for most of user like me ...). So why will Nokia invest more money in Qt ??? For me the only option is a resell of Qt to another company ... and the target is true cross platform Solution : Desktop and Mobile ...
So it seems they have bought Qt (use now by big customer : Maya, Autocad for example), and now a transfuge from Microsoft kill Qt ...I have invest a lot of time and money in developing Qt application, I use Qt since 10 years like many other people ... I am quite not happy ... There was a seems of true Qt strategy .. but it was only wind .... For me it's quite silly to kill this fantastic SDK...
Hopes it's not dead and I am wrong ... but for the moment there is no clear word about that ... and if Nokia say that latter, It will be difficult to trust anyway
@qtnext: Only too true. I'd be happy if I had something more (positive) to add, but I don't have...
I don't care about all that mobile stuff. Create once, deploy everywhere was never a realistic goal in the market. But in desktop area it IS working and I'm really scared if this will be continued (it's already out of top focus as it seems).
In fact, I am quite furious ... I have invest time in learning QML in order to target Meego tablet... There was a lot of positive feedback regarding meego in September after the coming of Elop ... A lot of communication, presentation, courses, ... regarding Meego and Symbian ... In JANUARY the post regarding QtDev 2010 : ... A lot of meego stuff .... since some month Elop is LYING about meego, Qt, Symbian... The NoKiCrosoft can't be a recent strategy .. it takes month to take this decision .... For me the real boost for meego and symbian was since September 2010 ... You can't have the result of the developpement in 4 months ...
I am furious and I am just a LGPL User ... I can imagine what think people paying for a license !!!!
I hopes that there I will be a lot of manifestation of Linux Fundation, Qt and Kde community, Big commercial User :
- What's about a petition saying that Qt developer will not develop using .Net and so focus development on Android, or something else ....
- What think Trolltech funder ? What think Qt paid developper inside Nokia ... I suppose they can talk
- I suppose a spin off for Trolltech will be the best but it needs a commercial model (Like the blender fundation but with big commercial user investing in it ?) True Crossplatform support for mobile and desktop ...
I do not usually take parts to troll like this ... but I think here ... it's too much .. too many ressources and energy lost .... It seems Shareholder are not happy also (-10%) ...
Perhaps I am a little bit too woory ... Qt will continue .... But honestly I am afraid I am right :(
Maybe Nokia will sell Qt to another company... Maybe it would be better for Qt to be led by a company that is independent from operating systems and thus enabling Qt to be a true cross-platform-library, not only on desktop systems but also on mobile devices.
Nevertheless Nokia really did put a lot of effort into Qt throughout the last years and I just can't believe Nokia would just up all of that.
Yes that's incredible to invest like this and just after trash it like this ...
I really hopes that a "Software Developping" Company will buy Trolltech soon ... But I am afraid that the strategy of Nokia is more to use Qt before the death of Symbian ... then trash it when the transition is over ...
Clearly since few years development where turn to mobile, desktop was not a first class citizen in qt roadmap ... So :( -
[quote author="marsupial" date="1297426942"]Nevertheless Nokia really did put a lot of effort into Qt throughout the last years and I just can't believe Nokia would just up all of that.[/quote]
They did with Meego/Maemo - and that was not cheap too. I would not bet a single penny on this. Always keep in mind that the rationale behind those decisions is not to satisfy customers or developers, but the analysts and shareholders. The quarterly report for the stock exchange is everything they have to care for.
No comment ... second slide ... no more Qt ... but Windows Phone....
Nobody from Qt can react to that ? -
i have to say this is a sad day, i was just ramping up my skills for QT, but now the future is bleak at best, being a Window C++ developer by profession I have to say this is one union i am not happy to see
i have no idea what to think about nokia or QT going forward