Remove dotted border around combo box items
Hello All,
Can someone guide me on how to remove border around text on hover.
Here is style:-
QComboBox QAbstractItemView::item{padding: 10px;background-color:transparent;outline:none; border-bottom:1px solid #c6c6c6;}
QComboBox QAbstractItemView::item:selected {color:#65b0a5;outline:none;}
QComboBox QAbstractItemView::item:hover{background-color:#b5b5b5; color:#323232;outline:none;}
@EDIT: please use @-tags around code, changed here - Gerolf
Is there a way we can remove Focus from the items?
Here is the problem when i mouse over the combo box item.
Please see the attached image.
I wan to remove the border that is coming around the text.
If you see i want to remove the boder which comes on mouse over on the Hit State text.
how do apply the above style on QComboBox QAbstractItemView?
Is there a way i can apply the style directly in style file?
Is there some way through or something else so i can the border invisible or hide it so it does not show?
It worked for me, thank you very much arybnikov.