Save Position and Size of the Application Window and load it for the next time
oki i will try it and tell you.
Another question:
How it would work for a qwidget for example?settings.setValue("qwidgetclassname/geometry", saveGeometry()); restoreGeometry(settings.value("qwidgetclassname/geometry").toByteArray()); `` Maybe like that ??
@developer_96 for particular widget it doesn't matter how you name it, string can be anything as long as it's unique. You can group it, you can save series as arrays, QSettings is really powerful.
But if you think of saving and restoring particular widgets let me tell you, there is really only a few cases when you need to do that. Qt way is to put your widgets into layouts on the window class and let Qt figure out sizes and positions once you restore global settings and state.
What's worth saving is for example when you have widgets placed on QSplitter - then it's worth saving splitter params.
Or sizes of sections of the header in views, should you want to.Saving and restoring every widget's state etc is counter productive, using layouts is the right way.
@artwaw right thank you for this info. I have a qtsplitter for two textboxes. So if im going to enlarge one box the other box i going to be smaller. What I want is: If im going to enlarge the one box and close the application, the same size should be there for both boxes.
@developer_96 Assuming you've done layouts right all you need to do is save/restore the splitter. I use that method in one of my projects, save/restore looks like this:
closeEvent(): settings.setValue("splitter",ui->splitter->saveState());
and i method loading the UI (can be ctor as well but this needs to be done once global state and geometry are restored):
Again - this works if you have your layouts done right. Otherwise it might work, it might not.
@artwaw nice thank you it is working. Really sad that the other problem is not solved :/
@developer_96 it must be something silly. From the code I work on currently:
QSettings settings; settings.setValue("geo",saveGeometry()); settings.setValue("state",saveState()); settings.setValue("splitter",ui->splitter->saveState()); settings.sync(); event->accept();
QSettings settings; restoreGeometry(settings.value("geo").toByteArray()); restoreState(settings.value("state").toByteArray()); ui->splitter->restoreState(settings.value("splitter").toByteArray());
@artwaw i solved it ! it was only the problem that i use the methods befor the setupUi method.
Thank you for your help !! -
Ah... happy you solved it.
Please don't forget to mark topic as solved! -
@developer_96 said in Save Position and Size of the Application Window and load it for the next time:
it was only the problem that i use the methods befor the setupUi method.
So when you would have posted a minimal, compilable example we would have seen this much earlier but you didn't want to...
For those who still use PyQt5:
``` _windowStatesEnum = { 0x00000000 : Qt.WindowNoState, # The window has no state set (in normal state). 0x00000001 : Qt.WindowMinimized, # The window is minimized (i.e. iconified). 0x00000002 : Qt.WindowMaximized, # The window is maximized with a frame around it. 0x00000004 : Qt.WindowFullScreen, # The window fills the entire screen without any frame around it. 0x00000008 : Qt.WindowActive, # The window is the active window, i.e. it has keyboard focus. } def __setstate__(self, data): self.__init__() self.setGeometry(data['geometry']) self.setWindowState(self._windowStatesEnum[data['window state']]) def __getstate__(self): return { 'geometry' : self.geometry(), 'window state' : int(self.windowState()), }
**``` Some Qt5 types are pickleable, such as whatever is returned by .geometry(). For enum types this I find to be the simplest solution to over come that, except you might hide away the enum map in a tools file. The above code goes inside a subclassed QMainWindow. So you can pickle pretty much any class you want to except QApplication, and a few others. So I just pickle the whole darn application. ```**