Strange problems/crashes with Qt 6.3.1 Macos (arm)
Hi there! I'm an avid user of Qt, and have made a compiler+IDE that is used by some number of people (see After recently upgrading to 6.3.1, I'm suddenly experiencing a lot of crashes in the compiler - often after a couple of builds - in internal qt libraries. QString crashing with low-level malloc errors, QSharedPointer destructors that terminates threads - things that almost never happened before I upgraded to 6.3.1, and always some internal crash that points back to assembly language. I'll be downgrading to see if that resolves the issue - but I just wanted to point out that there seems to be a lot of bugs in the newer version. Are you guys interested in details? Most of it seems to happen randomly - as you can imagine, the compiler is somewhat complex and uses a wide array of qt components.
Do you have a way to reproduce the crashes even if not super reliably ?
@SGaist Thanks for replying! Unfortunately not.. every single crash is different and random - if I managed to reproduce any of them, I would be able to fix it, usually these things are my own fault and I can patch it up fine. I might just start developing on X86 again and see if that fixes the issue.
Example: Today, no crashes for several hours while running in Debug mode (which I always try to do in order to pick up these crashes). When it finally did - I had lots of documents open, was doing some GFX work (my IDE supports a full image editor in addition to compiler/text editor), lots of threads going about.. and it crashes here (see the included image, in QtApplication::exec). It's just.. weird! Again, this is kind of typical of these crashes - you get straight into arm .asm for breakpoints. Now I know my assembly language - but even this is too much for me =)
NB: This is running Qt 6.4.0 (beta), seems to be way more stable than 6.3.1
Did you check the macOS console to see if there's any hint about something happening in the system around the time of the crash ?
also please note: The published version of TRSE is compiled nightly using github CI for X86 (macos, win, linux) using Qt 6.0.1, and while some of my users do complain about crashes (especially in the image editor, where I screw about a lot of with threads - probably my bad) - the typical crashes when compiling / just using the editor doesn't seem to happen here. I'm kinda suspecting that this is a pure ARM issue - but am not certain until I start developing on X86 again. I just bought a new home computer, will try to develop/use TRSE on X86 (win64) from next week
Are the nightlies arm based as well ?
Are your users running the x86_64 build on M1 machines ?