Qt Creator 6 on MacOS Big Sur keeps asking for access to Documents.
I keep getting repetitive requests for access to my desktop/downloads etc from Qt Creator on Big Sur. Checking in settings it's already checked for access.
Any ideas on how I can quiet this behavior? It even does it randomly when nothing is going on and Qt Creator is just sitting there.
@James-Hankins It has nothing to do with QtCreator. The tool is just trying to access restricted personal folders (iCloud tree etc.). As far as I can tell you should be bothered with it only once but depending on your system configuration and configuration of the QtCreator it might happen more often, depending where the files that QtCreator uses are located.
@artwaw said in Qt Creator 6 on MacOS Big Sur keeps asking for access to Documents.:
@James-Hankins It has nothing to do with QtCreator. The tool is just trying to access restricted personal folders (iCloud tree etc.). As far as I can tell you should be bothered with it only once but depending on your system configuration and configuration of the QtCreator it might happen more often, depending where the files that QtCreator uses are located.
No offense, but this response provides anti-value. The OP is quite clear that it repeatedly asks for access, and telling it "only once" is not a solution or else the question wouldn't have been asked. It is clearly a deeper Qt Creator problem/interaction, as described both by the OP, myself (below), and others (https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTCREATORBUG-26705)
I have an identical problem on Monterey with a MacPro 2021. It requests permissions every few dozen seconds. It's extremely annoying and is crippling to usage on macOS. This goes on whether Qt Creator is in the foreground or the background, although in the foreground it's not quite as frequent. It's especially bad when saving documents. Placing it into the macOS list of applications which are given full access does nothing to ameliorate the problem.
After 30 minutes I gave up, it was impossible to use Qt Creator and the fact that even when it was in the background macOS would still ask to confirm its permissions meant that general use of the computer was hampered.
~/Qt/Qt\ Creator.app/Contents/MacOS/Qt\ Creator
from a terminal is a workaround suggested at https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTCREATORBUG-26705?focusedCommentId=601333&page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels%3Acomment-tabpanel#comment-601333, I am trying it out, so far it seems to be helping. -
@Kenz-Dale said in Qt Creator 6 on MacOS Big Sur keeps asking for access to Documents.:
codesign -s - --deep ~/Qt/Qt\ Creator.app
solved all the problems here on macOS 12.3 for me. -
@DerReisende Thank you so much, I was having the same problem as OP and this worked perfectly!